*I'm back! -and I owe an apology*

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Hello readers! How have you been? Long time since I last updated huh? I know, I messed up for y'all. And I'm very sorry.

It's just that the last couple of months have been really... overwhelming for me. Not busy necessarily. But I had a lot going on with traveling and such, and when I finally got to settle down to write? I froze. I've been stuck on the same 500 words for a month, my writing is very difficulty flowing. I'm blocked. At least, I was. I'm determined to come through with it, I promise.

And then to add on that, I started my junior year which is so different from any other school year I had, and if you know me from Treat You Better and Sadie, you know that dealing with pressure and school is not easy for me. My anxiety has been all over the place, which didn't contribute at all for my writing.

For those who think I ditched this story, please mark my words:

I WILL continue writing this story. I will manage to come through with the block. I will update as soon as possible.

It's a promise. And I don't break promises.

Again, sorry for all of you that have been waiting so patiently for the next chapter. I hope you are still intrigued to continue reading, and that you will enjoy the rest of this story! I have so much planned for Lara, Tom and Shawn, I really hope you enjoy their story :)

See you soon in a new update,

Torn - Tom Holland vs. Shawn Mendes ✔️Where stories live. Discover now