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Around two years later

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Around two years later...

New York City buzzed with life outside the hotel room that Lara, Harrison and Tom were sharing. There was no second of silence- advertisements played on big LED screens, cars horned, police sirens sounded as they zoomed around a block and became painfully loud, and then diminished away into the distance. But none of these sounds were capable of disrupting Tom and Lara when they were in the company of each other.

When they were together, no force outside was able to burst the impenetrable bubble they built around themselves. They did so unknowingly, a sixth sense of sorts, caused by the undisruptable devotion every single of their senses had to each other. Some would think such thing was annoying. But if there was one person who would be in the position to agree, it would be Harrison, and the truth is he would actually disagree. If anything, he adored experiencing it. And adored having yet another reason to tease them.

But he was nowhere to tease them now, as he took a shower, and Lara and Tom kept to their own room, Lara carefully tending to Tom's (nearly non-existant) eyebrows. He sat with his head on her lap and criss-crossed legs that were covered in a fluffy bathrobe, and every time the tweezers came closer to his face, his frown and scrunched eyebrows deepened. He tried making adoring, puppy eyes, staring at Lara from above, her nose strip on. Lara's playlist played in the background, and there was no need to ask Tom for song suggestions, as their playlists were pretty much one and the same.

"Geez, stop doing that," Lara complains with a laugh as Tom scrunches up his face one more time, her tweezers closer to his skin."It makes it worse!"

"I'm trying! But it just... happens! It's a reflex!" Tom insists.

She rolls her eyes. "Yeah, yeah, reflexes. More like overdramatic."

"Well, I'm an actor, so I guess it can be considered part of my reflexes too."

Lara laughs at him, and he smiles goofily at her. Even from upside down, in a bath robe, a nose strip and all, she seemed so beautiful to him, her laugh like a caress to his heart. Lara genuinely smiles back at him, but uses this opportunity to pull out one of his hairs on the bridge of his nose. He swears at the overwhelming pain he insists he feels, and Lara can't help but chuckle.

She continues her job, but suddenly stops at the sound of a new song playing. She squeals a little because she loves it so much, and starts to sing along. Lara is not the worst singer, but neither is she considered a good one- either way Tom doesn't mind it at all. Actually, it makes him happy, and after just listening for a while, by the time the chorus of "I Believe" by the Jonas Brothers comes along, Tom is singing along too.

"I just love their new album. The Jonas Brothers coming back is the best thing since... since.."

"Since Pringles were invented? Tom completes.

She chuckles. "Pretty much." She pauses, pondering. "You know, seeing them... that would be such a great date."

Tom ponders."That's actually a great idea! However..."

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