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I'm What?!
Alex's POV

"I-I-I'm what?" I stuttered out and looked at them in disbelief.

"We know it's a huge impact in your life, we know it's gonna be hard not being the youngest, but you're still our baby, even though she's younger, she's gonna be a freshman, Alex, she'll look up to you we need you to treat her nicely. She's been through a lot, so I need you to be on your best behavior when she comes."

"One more thing, for now she's sharing a room with you." My mom tried to slip in, but I easily caught her.

"She's what!?!"

"Alex, please sweetie, you'll love her, she's so nice, she plays soccer, she's really good, you could be teammates. Please just give it a chance, she's not a bad kid, you'll like her, I know it." My dad told me, but I couldn't believe it.

"I mean atleast no one's sick or hurt or dead, and we're not moving, so I guess I'll try, I'm not used to being an older sister, even my younger teammates call me baby horse."

"Thank you sweetie! We knew you would understand." My mom smiled at me.

"You hoped I would understand. How long exactly will she be in my room?"

"Not too long hopefully, okay?" I just shrugged my shoulders and ate my food.


"You seem quiet today, what's up with you baby horse?" Hope asked me with a worried look.

"Hey does this have to do with the news your parents gave you?" Tobin whispered to me and I nodded my head.

"Hey guys, I need to tell you something." Everyone turned to me and waited. "So my parents told me last night, that I'm gonna have a little sister, they are adopting a girl that will be a freshman, and she plays soccer so you'll probably meet her."

"Alex that's great, I hope you two get a long well." Carli told me and Tobin and Allie gave me a hug.

"Hey, maybe Mallory will have classes with her." Ashlyn told us as she ate her food.

"When does she get here?" Syd asked me with a devious look.

"I don't know why?"

"Because were gonna throw a party and bring her duh."

"No no no, I'm not gonna let you already plan on taking the little sister I don't even have yet to parties!"

"Lex, you're worrying too much, she'll meet new friends."

"Yea, well not at a party where they'll most likely be drunk."

"Where you'll most likely be drunk?" Syd asked me and wiggled her eyebrows "plus it can help Mallory get to know us too."

"The drunk us." Ali told her and laughed.

"Umm I-" Mallory started to talk, but got cut off.

"You see, she wants a party." Pinoe said and everyone laughed.


"Ba-be." I pushed Tobin off of me. "Do you think I'll be a good older sister?"

"Lex- you're- worrying- too- much- you're her older sister not her mom." Tobin told me with kisses inbetween words.

"Oh also, we have to share a room for awhile."

"What the hell why?! Well hope she doesn't mind me doing this." Tobin told me and reconnected our lips.

"To-tobs." My breath was shaky as she gently sucked on my neck. "Don't leave a mark."


"Tobin!" I pushed her off and she smiled. "Sorry, couldn't help myself."

"You're such a goof." She smiled and pecked lips one more time before getting up and pulling me down the stairs.

"Hi, Tobin."

"Hey Mrs. Morgan, I'm gonna take Alex to get ice cream, is that cool?"

"Oh sure thing, nice seeing you."

"You too, bye Mrs. Morgan."

She pulled me out the door and into my car. "We aren't going to get icecream are we?"

"Hell no, I need this one more time, before we can't do it at your house anymore." She drove us to her house and pulled me to her room.

"Tobin really, I think you can live with out-" she cut me off and shoved her lips against mine, then started tugging at my shirt before ripping it off.

"Tobs, really right now?"

"Y-yep." She unbuttoned my pants and pulled er shirt off. My mom will be wondering how far that ice cream was.


"Okay, I'm happy." Tobin said with a huge grin out her face and laid down next to me.

"Are you now?"

"You bet." She kissed my forehead and held me in her arms. I heard my phone buzz and rolled over.


Will you be back soon?- Mom

Yea, coming back now.


"I need to go."

"Nooo, Lex." Tobin held me down, but untangled her arms from me and got up to put my clothes back on.

"Fine, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Bye babe." I kissed her one more time and walked out to my car.


"Oh hey Alex you're home, okay, I just wanted to tell you that, she's coming tomorrow. She'll be here tomorrow night, so we need to find a blow up mattress or something for her to sleep on."

"She can have my bed, I'll just sleep on the couch."

"Yea, we left something out, she has separation anxiety, because of somethings, we need you to sleep in there, would you like to go with your father and I to pick her up?"

"It'll look bad if I'm the only one not there so I guess, so I have to stay with her at all times?"

"Well no not necessarily."

"Oh well, I'm gonna go to bed mom, bye. See you in the morning."

"Good night Alex."


A\N: short chapter, not like it matters though, I always post multiple chapters at the beginning. Thx for reading.

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