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Alex's POV

"Come on. Get up, we have to go to school, okay?"

"Okay." She rolled out of bed and walked towards the bathroom. She wasn't sad, but she wasn't herself lately. Everything going on through the town I don't think any of us were. Nobody knows what happened at that party. The message drew everyone back to the death of Kailen Sheridan, Brooklyn's best friend. 

It's been affecting everyone. Those who didn't even know the victims still are worried. Who's next? The question of 'Who's next?', was truly every where. I couldn't help, but have the question floating around my head.

"Alex, do you not think of it?"

"Think of what?"

"Everything...all the murders, the fact that there are no leads at all. Nobody knows anything. Kailen's murder is still driving the streets of this town. The fact that no one knows. Somebody has to know." A look of determination was resting on her face as she looked at the ground. 

"Brooke no one knows anything, don't you get that? Why do you think everything has been how it is lately?"

"I don't know...yet."  She rolled around the doorframe and I heard the feet hit each step.

I don't know what she's up to, but I can't let her be next.

I drove to school and as soon as the car stopped the door was open to my right. She slung her bag over her shoulder and ran towards the entrance. I can't let her be the next one. How am I supposed to stop this?

I looked at the piece of paper I grabbed from the box. Yes, the paper with the ten digits. I don't know who's number it was, but I know that it was for me. How? The note that was on the back of the paper. 

'Alex Morgan.

Your new sister is just as hot as you, but gotta say I guess it runs in the family even if she's adopted. There's many of us. They aren't going to stop us, but you can. The price is simple, but I won't tell you until you reach out to us. Use the number on the back, don't be dumb enough to track it, it won't work. Don't waste your time, or ours. 

Your sister will be soon if you don't act fast. Your choice.'

Why is it my choice? Everytime something like this happened the person who gets the anonymous messages is connected to the killer, or in this case killers, but how am I?


What is the price?

Alex, so nice of you to message us.-Unknown

What's the price?

Ooo feisty. Well what else other than the queen's life. Your life for all the lives you've ruined.-unknown

Who's life did I ruin?!

You'll find out, when you do what's right.-Unknown


Why? What did I do? Who did I do this to?


Unknown's POV

"You don't think they'll figure out?"

"How would they do that?"

"It's the police, it's their job..."

"We are gonna make them suck at their job!" I punched the table. The dumb guy jumped back.

"Are you really that stupid, look I know you play football, but really?" 

The guy just mumbled something and walked away.

"She messaged me. I think we should hold back on information we give her, so no farther texts shall be sent, understood?" 

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