When It Hits Hard

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Alex's POV

"They-so they just- they've been doing it more frequently." 

"Alex, how do we know it will stop before another one of our friends get hurt. Pinoe didn't deserve it. Nobody deserves this Alex, we know it's because of you, or us or whatever, so we need to stop it." 

"I can't fight a battle with murders, I can't stop this Brooklyn, don't you understand if I could everyone would still be here." I placed my hand on her shoulder, but she just shook her head and pushed off the couch.

I fell onto my back and sighed. Who was next? I walked up to my room and pulled out the book. I flipped through. Jen Hoy, I never really knew her, she was okay at soccer, nothing too special.

It was gonna be a hard loss for her team though. Brooklyn and I figured out something. We stalk Jen Hoy, if we watch her murder then we might see who does it. 

Brooklyn has an idea, I guess I can trust her. She's my sister, but I've just had an odd feeling of trusting anyone lately. She's adopted recently, everything seemed to change when she got here. If everything does go to this plan, she's the last to be killed on the same day as me. What if she's the one who kills me. 

"Hey Alex, what are you thinking about?" She could read the facial expression I was making, pure anxiety. I wasn't too sure on anything these day. 

"What's your plan?" She tilted her head in confusion towards me. "For Hoy, Don't worry about it, I'll figure it out, I don't know if it's the best idea for you to go-"

"And let you do it alone? No way." What if she hides something. What if she's trying to go by herself so she can just come back and lie. What if I send someone else with her? 

"Can Tobin go with you?" She looked at me with unreadable look. I'm not sure if it's confusion, guilt, anger, what, but it definitely wasn't positive. "Tobin can come, but Alex I don't need help, nor do I really want it." 

"I know, but what if you miss something?" She shrugged and looked down at her phone. "I gotta go to the bathroom. Be right back." 

"Ok." She threw her phone down on the bed and as soon as she was out of sight I darted over to the phone. A text popped up.


Meet me at ten tonight, I'll get you the stuff, no one comes with you, okay?


Who the hell is she meeting at ten tonight? I heard footsteps and quickly moved back to where I was. "Are you doing anything later?" 

"No, probably be an earlier night tonight, pretty tired. Tobin might come over."

"Oh ok..." she read the text intently and typed something back. Her furrowed bushy eyebrows pointed down. She lifted her eyes and whispered something in German.

"What was that?" She looked at me shocked, not knowing I heard her. "It-it was nothing." 


"She's sketchy, look she seems nice, but put the pieces together, who gets over their girlfriend or bestfriend dying that quick, dates another girl quick, is able to pull off what her and steph did, who plans these things, she doesn't talk much still, she whispers things in german! It's just odd, she seems off!"

"Alex you can't accuse your sister off being a murder!"

"I'm not, but this started when she got here!" I let out a sigh, how can Tobin just over look these things?! She smiled at me. "What, why are you looking at me like that, I'm not crazy..." she let out a light laugh and smiled at me. "No but when you come up with all of these conspiracy theories it's cute." She gave me a small kiss on the cheek and smiled. 

" I'm cute when I breathe, It's just a morgan talent." She shook her head at my comment. "So are we gonna follow her?" I smiled, she was listening to all of it atleast. "You're going with her, I'll drive you, but right now we're gonna follow her to see where she's going to be a ten tonight. She was texting someone, they told her to not bring anyone else."

"Looks like an adventure waiting for us." 

"One problem." She nod and waited. "I don't know where she's going." 

"Oh. Umm well, she can't go anywhere that fast, she'll be walking." 

"True, but she's fast and what if she runs. We'll never be able to catch her. She's too fast, which is another sketchy thing, why is she so athletic? Is she on the run a lot?" 

"You can ask and create more conspiracies on the way, let's go." 

"You know I will." She laughed and pulled me off the bed. 


"Why the hell is she in the forest?" 

"Who knows Alex, but come on, we're gonna loose her if you don't hurry."

"I'm coming." She moved quickly, but wasn't running. She was at the park in the woods, but why? Who would she be meeting here? We followed her, but far behind. We were alone until Tobin and I froze from noises behind us. Tobin quickly pulled me behind a tree and we hid. A person passed by and shocked is a bit of an understatement. To see her here meant she was going to meet Brooklyn, but why her?

Sam Kerr was passed us so we popped back out. "Kerr?!" Tobin whisper yelled. Both of us stood there puzzled. Sam, why her? It didn't make sense, but a lot of things about her did now. They were speaking fluent Spanish leaving Tobin and I in pure confusion. 

"What do you think they're talking about?" 

"I don't know, didn't even know Kerr knew spanish."

"I have to go Kerr, I'll see you sometime soon. Hoy is next remember." After the few English words Brooklyn turned around and left. She took off in a light jog as Kerr slowly walked away.

"Hurry we need to go, I know an alternate route to my house." We took off running home. Hopefully we'll beat her to our house, if not we both have explaining.


We did beat her home last night. But i never heard her come in. I walked into her room to wake her up, but was met by emptiness. Did she ever make it home? I was snapped out of my thoughts by my mom. 

"Alex sweety Brooklyn is at the park with Steph." Well that explains that. "Did Tobin stay over last night?" I nod my head and bit my bottom lip. "Well there's breakfast in the kitchen for the both of you." 

"Thanks mom." She smiled and walked away. Out late and up early, how did she do it? Just as I finished she walked through the front door with Steph.

Smiles occupied both of their faces, covering ear to ear. The smile she had on her face made her seem innocent of everything. Was I just stressed maybe Brooklyn isn't up to anything?

"Morning Alex." They both said the words in sync and walked up to her room. I haven't heard of anyone dying yet, so I guess it is a good morning.

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