You Wanna Go?

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Mallory's POV 

"Okay, everyone here?" Alex stood up and sort of yelled to catch everyone's attention.

"Okay sooo... why are we here?" Kelley asked her and looked around as we all waited.

"Okay, so Mallory and Brooklyn were at the park and they were in the forest walking around-"

"Wait why were you two walking around in the forest alone?" Chloe looked over at me, then to Brooklyn with an eyebrow raised. Brooklyn just shook her head and avoided eye contact. 

"Chloe that doesn't matter, what matters is they're trying to kidnap Steph!" 

"I'M SORRY WHAT?!" Steph's head popped up and she looked shocked. 

"Yea, so umm, Brooklyn." Alex turned to her. 

"Wait, what?" Brooklyn looked up from her phone confused, she seemed distracted, I looked over trying to see what she was doing, but I only got a glimpse, she was in a group chat with three people, I saw the name Dani and an emoji of a chick coming out of it's egg, she locked her phone quickly and looked at me, then over at Alex.

"What did they say?" Alex told her slowly, I think she was thinking the same thing as me. Alex looked at her with the same look as for everyone they were just waiting for her to tell the story. I don't know if she was even speaking, I just couldn't focus, who was she texting, Dani... the name sounds so familiar, the other thing is just watching her lean against Steph, I just, I'm jealous, for what reason? She's not mine, I just kinda wish she was.

"Yea, so they just said that the plan is to kidnap Steph, they weren't planning on holding her hostage, probably just gonna beat her up, I don't completely remember, I just know we can't let that happen, so what's our plan?" 

She had a good point, not the keep Steph safe, I mean if she's out of the picture... no I'm kidding, that would be bad. We do need a plan though, why did they think the dolphins will side with them, what connections do they have with the dolphins?

"They said the dolphins will probably side with them, so does that mean that the lions will side with us?" I told them.

"Wait dolphins will side with them on what?" Hope stopped me and asked me wearily. 

"I don't know they mentioned something about a school war, what is that?" Brooklyn asked them as I was wondering the same.

"Fuck!" Hope and Becky both punched the counter almost in sync. Carli's hands just went to her face, and Alyssa, Ali, and Ashlyn just seemed to take in deep breaths. 

"If the school wars are starting I know it sounds kidish, but we need a buddy system, Steph might not be the only one that could be targeted." Tobin told everyone and we gave same nods as we processed things. 

Carli waled in the middle of us and looked around. "Okay buddies will be...

Alex and Tobin

Kelley and Hope

Kling and Moe

Lindsey and Mallory 

Chloe and Lucy

Steph and Brooklyn

Pinoe and Syd

Becky and I 

Christen and Julie

Ash and Ali

Abby and Allie

Alyssa will be our third buddy. This also doesn't mean bigger groups isn't better just don't go in less than two, I don't want anyone alone through this." Carli told us seriously and we all agreed.

I think we all know who I wanted to get partnered with, but that didn't happen, Lindsey's cool, I guess.


Brooklyn's POV

"Hey Alex, Steph and I are going to grab something to eat." 

"Oh, I'll go with you if-" 

"No it's cool, see you in a bit." I pulled Steph out the door and began to tell her the rest of the plan and story. "So back to where you know two of the Mustangs!" 

"Umm onw you know some too and two they've been my friends for a long time. Dani and Kailen wouldn't do anything to hurt anyone." 

"So they aren't gonna like attack me?" 

"Really Steph?" I let out a light laugh and held her hand as we walked to a cafe near by. 

"Glad I was partnered with you." I looked over at her and a big smile came to my face. "Same here." 

"You know it's kinda cool how we both have accents." She told me trying to make a conversation, but I didn't feel like talking much right now. "Yea, okay here it is." 

We walked into the small cafe and found Kailen and Dani in the back of the room, I might not have mentioned I was bringing Steph, so they seemed a little shocked. 

"Uh haha Brooklyn... why the hell did you bring her?!"! Kailen asked eyeing Steph.

"Because now we have a freaking buddy system, plus Steph has friends on your team. Alanna, Sam, Lydia, yea the Aussies are friends with this Aussie." 

"Wait what?! No freaking way!" Dani looked at me speechless, they're team is not as open, although according to Steph, Tobin is the only one that knows. 

"Yea, so I need an update." I told them wanting to know about the plan. 

"It's the same kidnap Steph, hurt her, drop her off. Your team isn't making any plans is it?" Kailen asked me and they both waited on my answer.

"Not that I know of, but I'll tell you, we need to talk to Hatch about this." 

"You know Ashley Hatch too?!" Steph bounced up from the back of the booth. 

"Well yea... that surprised you?"

"I guess yea." 

"Why'd you bring the aussie though?" Kailen asked me, and she sensed me get irritated, so Dani changed the subject. "We should probably go, but we can text Ashley about it later okay." I got up and hugged boyh of them and they walked out, Steph started to, but I pushed her back into the booth. 

"This is not to told to anyone, okay?" 

"What us meeting with them?" She asked me acting clueless. "Me knowing them. They won't get it as easy as me and I don't want them getting hurt, okay?" 

She gave me a small nod and turned my head down wondering if I should tell her yet, it hasn't been long, but I, no I shouldn't.

"Something on your mind?" 

I raised my head to look at her curious face, but shook my head. "No, we should go." I stood up and started walking back to my house. We got to my street before Steph broke the silence. "Umm, are you sure you're okay?" She grabbed my shoulder to stop me, but I couldn't look her in the eyes. She placed two fingers under my chin to raise it. 

"You know you can talk to me." She looked at me with a small smile and I felt this weird feeling in my stomach. I just nodded my head pulled away. I got to my house as quickly as possible. I walked in and Alex and Tobin were on the couch watching a Barca game and laughing about something. 

"Oh, hey." Alex sat up a little and looked at me with a smile. "I'm gonna go upstairs, my head hurts, can Steph wait with you until her Brother picks her up?" 

"Yea, do you want me to get you anything?" Alex asked me and started to get up. 

"No I'm good." I jogged up the stairs and went into our room to think. 

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