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Brooklyn's POV

"We have to warn her."

"Shouldn't we see the pictures first, maybe we can tell her who and where to avoid then." Becky had a good point. I pulled the pictures up on my laptop. 

"Damn it, you can't see." I slammed the mac shut and turned to the flash drive on the table. I picked it up and looked at it. "SC' plans"

"Who is SC?" Tobin grabbed the drive out of my hand as I continued through the binder. "The real questions is why is SC doing this?" I flipped to the last page. There was a paragraph, but unlike every other page there was two pictures. It was labeled finale.

"Alex and I are the main targets." I looked at the pictures of us and turned to the page before. "And their last blow towards us is to take Steph and Tobin." 


"Look you have to listen to me!" She stopped and crossed her arms. "What is so important?" 

I looked down at my feet, because how are you supposed to tell someone they're gonna probably die. Well maybe this will prevent that.

"You're next." 

Her jaw dropped open as she looked away. "As in...I'm gonna die?"

"I- we can stop it, but we all have to unite somehow. There's a group of them and right now, we're all just individuals. So first off, do you trust me?"

She looked back straight into my eyes. "Why should I?"

"Kailen was my best friend and I know that losing her was terrible, I don't want your teammates to have the same feeling, Jodie Taylor was innocent, but she was still killed for their plan, I found a binder with the victims in order and sure enough it went Kailen, Jodie, and then you, my own teammate is after you, if we stop them from killing you they might not know what to do."

"Deal, but I need you to inform my team now too."

"Okay, yes yes I can do that. I'm glad you understand." She nodded her head and we split to go our seperate ways. Stress is an understatement to what everyone is feeling. 


"Camila was found dead last night, you told her didn't you?!" I woke up to Alex shaking me and rapidly speaking.

"What- what do you mean she's dead?" 

"Her body was found this morning by a custodian at their school hanging at the front entrance, Brooklyn this is getting bad. I just-" she let out a big sigh and sat next to me. I pulled her in for a hug and rested my head on her shoulders.

"You'll be okay, I'll be okay, we can stop this."

"How soon? Who's the next one?" 


"No, no, no we have to tell the police say someone told us, we got a tip something, Megan can't die, Pinoe is our teammate. Brooklyn what are we gonna do?"

"Stop them Alex I promise." 

We got dressed and ready for school. Of course there were police dogs everywhere. The police were questioning students. I overheard one conversation and froze. "Camila was found shot and hung in her school this morning, do you know anyone on the boys football or soccer team that has access to guns easily?" 

She was shot?

"Hey, are you okay?" Alex stopped and looked at me odd. She grabbed my hand and pulled me to the side. "Camila was shot, they're using guns now."

"Yea, but what's wrong with just that?"

"They have killed everyone in a different way, the first one was hit by a car ,second one throat slit, third was shot, I bet you next will be hung, just hung, they're sending clues. They keep changing how they kill to make it seem like it's different people which it is. The police can't figure out a trend, nor any leads."

"Okay Sherlock, you figured that out, what else does that mean though?"

"I'll have to think about that." I walked back into the busy crowd and made my way to my locker. "I thought you were going to warn her?"

I don't know why, but I snapped. "Steph, are you fucking kidding me, what the hell kind of person knows they're gonna die and didn't tell that person, of course I told her!" 

"Excuse me can I speak with you?" The cheif police officer came up and asked me the question. I slammed my locker door shut and walked away with him.


Alex's POV

"Alex!" A panicked Steph came running up to me and Tobin.

"I made Brooklyn like snap she yelled about knowing Camilawasgonnadie and nowthechief took her away!" Her words jumbled together quickly. I could tell she had ran over here.

"Okay, one Steph calm down, two where is she?"

"Fr-front office."

I made my way to the front office quickly to find my sister. 

"Ms. Morgan, can I help you with anything?" The nice front office lady smiled softly.

"Where's Brooklyn?"

"Talking to the police cheif in the principals office-."

"Okay thanks." I walked towards the principal's office and knocked on the door. My I just applaud Brooklyn. She went back to I don't know English well. 


"Oh Alex umm the police cheif just had a few questions for Brooklyn." Our principal told me and nervously smiled. 

"Please in the futher get me in these kinds of situations, Brooklyn isn't from here and this kind of thing stress her out, and a police officer barking questions in a language she's not completely familiar with doesn't help."

"I'm sorry, we just had a few questions for her, why don't you stay?" I nodded and sat down beside her.

"How well did you know all the victims?"

"Kailen I know very well, Jodie I had never meet before, and Camila and I have talked a few times."

"Now Ms. Sheridan's murder you witnesses and for Ms. Taylor's you were also attacked?"

She looked over at me and I nodded. "Brooklyn wasn't badly injured, but she did go to the hospital, but I don't understand why she's in here, the doctor wants to keep stress down she's still healing."

I grabbed her arm and dragged her out of the office.

"Go to class and don't think we're not talking about this later."

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