Bed Rest

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Alex's POV

"My arrrmmm hurts, this sucks!" 

"I know, but atleast you don't have to go to school for a few days." 

"I don't care about that." She lowered her head as we were cleared to leave the hospital. 

"Alright girls, we have to go back to our trip, so Alex take care of your little sister, we'll transfer momey into your account, be good, bye girls." Our mom hugged us and left. I know they're busy, but how am I supposed to go to school and take care of her? Looks like I get to skip school. 

"Hey Alex...?" 

"Yea, what's wrong?" 

"I don't feel so good..." She turned around as she puked all over the ground, at least it isn't in or on my car. "Oh great." She finished and I helped her into my jeep, maybe not the best car to be in with all the bumpiness.

"Are the stitches really noticeable?" 

"Not when you have eyes like those." All I heard was silence, but when I looked over she was trying to hide the smile on her face.

"Is Tobin gonna be mad at me?" 

"No no no, why would she be?" I looked over at her and she just shrugged her shoulders. "I hurt her, now she can't play... I feel bad." 

"She cut your face open and hurt your wrist, but neither of you are to blame, okay? I know Tobin she's wouldn't ever get mad about that." She nodded her head and then a small giggle escaped her mouth. "What?" She just giggle more before she was able to speak. "Of course you know Tobin, she's your girlfriend, you should know her more than anyone else in many ways." She wiggled her bushy dark brown eyebrows at me and I broke out laughing. Luckily we were stopped at a red light.

"I-I can't believe you just said that!" I caught my breath as the light turned green and drove home. We got home and and I carried her stuff in as she looked at the brace on her wrist. 

"It's not that bad, it'll heal, don't worry." I gave her a reassuring smile, but I felt like it did nothing.

"Do you want me to get you anything or...?" 

She let out a sigh and just shook her head. "I'm just gonna go get some rest." She practically dragged her self up the stairs and I heard her fall on to her bed. 

"She seems sad about her arm." 

"JESUS KELLEY WHAT THE FUCK!" I dropped everything in my hands when I heard her voice.

"Oh yea sorry, so Tobin really wants to see you-"

"Oh hey they're home finally." 

"When did you two get here?!" Christen and Kelley just shrugged and looked at the clock. "Maybe like two hours ago." 

"You've been in my house for two hours?!" 

"Yea..." Kelley just shrugged her shoulders and sat down on the couch.

"Are those my sweatpants?" 

"Yea, by the way we're here, so you don't have to be, go see Tobin." 

"Oh ok...thanks." I grabbed my keys and phone and rushed out the door as my heart rate was still trying to calm.

"I don't even know what my life is anymore."


"Hey Tobs..." 

"Lex, I'm happy to see you, but umm your sister?" 

"Kelley is watching her." 

"You left Kelley alone to watch a child? You want Brooklyn to live right?" 

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