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Alex's POV

I felt her move in my arms as she woke up. "Hey you okay?" She opened her eyes as her head rested on my shoulder. She blink a few times before those eyes looked up at me and smiled. 

"Yea. I was a really bad dream." She adjusted her body so she could look at me more. "Oh, I'm sorry, it's almost dinner time, wanna go grab something?" She nodded her head and yawned before pushing off of me and getting up. 

"I'll be ready in five minutes." She left my room, but accidentally didn't take her phone. I saw it buzz and couldn't resist, I'm her older sister, I'm just looking out for her. 


Message from Dani


Dani...Dani...Dani fucking Weatherholt?! How many secret friends does Brooklyn have that I don't know about?! I picked up the phone and went to find her. She was in the bathroom in front of the mirror. 

"When were you gonna tell me that you are friends with Dani Weatherholt too?"

"Umm... I mean I should probably mention Ashley now too." 


"What, you don't have any friends that just so happen to be enemies?"

I just shook my head at her and laughed "hurry up."

"Aye aye captain." I giggled at her response and walked back to my room.


"Are you sure it's a good idea to invite them?" I asked her anxiously. 

"Yes, now come on."

We drove down to a small cafe that Brooklyn said not many people know about. I got out of the car and there seemed to be barely a single soul there. 

"So maybe just walk behind me... I didn't tell them you were coming." She smiled at me and walked inside. She walked towards the back and I saw the three girls.

"Umm...Brooklyn-?!" Dani looked at me in total fear. 

"Umm Alex is gonna join us." 

"I think you meant to say kill us." Ashley Hatch joked and they all laughed. Brooklyn sat down next to Kailen, so I sat on the other side of her. 

"I'm sorry, this gonna be really awkward-"

"I don't know what you've heard about Alex-" Brooklyn started, but got interrupted by her friends. 

"I heard she eats small children on game day."

"I heard she beat a kid up for sneezing, I also heard that kicked moved to Nebraska after."

"I heard she sleeps with her soccer ball and wakes up perfect."

"I heard-"

"Come on, stop it!" Brooklyn laughed at her friends as they all smiled. 

One of the comments caught my attention. "Did someone actually say I eat small children on game day?" The four of the just laughed at me and shook their heads. "No, but we've heard a lot about you." Dani said and I just nodded my head. 

"So how come Ocean eyes came along?" Kailen asked me.

"I just kinda wanted you all to meet her, she's my sister and you're my best friends."

"I don't approve of her, next!" Dani's comment even made me laugh this time, they were funny. 

The waiter came and took our orders and we laughed the whole dinner, I can be happy with these three being her friends. 


"I'm super tired!" Brooklyn hopped into the jeep after we finished dinner. "Sa,e here!" She didn't last long before she fell asleep. I looked over at her as I pulled in the driveway and she was still sound asleep. I don't wanna wake her up, she looks too peaceful. I got out and carried her into the house. 

"Oh hey Alex, how was school?" 

"It was great, I walked past my dad and up the stairs to take Brooklyn to her room. I placed her down on the bed, but she grabbed my wrist and pulled it into her, the odd thing was she was still asleep. She did it in her sleep, she pulled me down and snuggled her face into my side as I sat there and played with the baby hairs around her face. 

"You've been amazing with her Alex." 

"Hey Jenny." My older sister sat down at the foot of the bed and smiled. "What?" She shook her head as her smile grew huge. "You're just, it's amazing how good you are with her, she talks to me a little, but nothing compared to you, she doesn't look at anyone like she does you, or smile, or giggle, it's adorable, the youngest sister for what seemed like forever and when it all changed you were just perfect."

"I wasn't perfect...promise not to tell mom something?"

"Alex what did you do?!"

"Let's just leave it at there were some very rough spots at first, but everything's good now."

"Good let's keep it like that, goodnight." She gave me a hug before exiting the room. I stayed in for a few minutes longer before getting up, but as soon as I did, she started twisting and rollling. She was saying something, but I couldn't understand. Just like the other day tears started popping out of the shut eyes. I couldn't watch her, I shook her and woke her up.

Her head popped up and she saw me. "It was just a stupid nightmare. How long have you been in here?"

"Well I had to carry you up here and I just never left, you okay?" She nodded her head and lowered back into the bed. I reached my hand up and wiped away the few tears that fell. 

"I'm gonna go to bed alright, try to get some sleep."

I started to walk, but stopped when zig heard the faint voice. "Alex...will you stay in here?" 

"Of course." I rubbed my eyes and climbed into bed and under the blanket. Immediately the little body held on to me and I could hear her quickly drift asleep as her little mouth gapped and her eyes sealed shut.


A\N: what do you think is causing the dreams?

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