Superhero Steph

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Steph's POV

"She not eating, she's not alive practically." Alex let out a big sigh as she sunk down in the seat in front of me. It's been three weeks and Alex has busted her ass trying to help Brooklyn, losing Kailen torn her in half. Alex is just as broken though seeing Brooklyn like this is tearing her apart. 

"I'm gonna try to talk to her today after school..." I told Alex and her head shot up. "You haven't talked to her since it happened, I just realized that, why? I think you could help..."

"I hope I can help. I-I... Alex I was jealous of Kailen and when she died all I could think of is now Brooklyn doesn't have that special someone...that I wanted to be. I sound so selfish, but I-"

"You like Brooklyn?"

"I'm like in love with Brooklyn, but I just...the day at the diner I think she was about to tell me she liked me too, but I'll never know, I don't think she'll be able to love someone like she did Kailen, I don't have that bond with her."

"You're right... you have a different one, a stronger one. Steph talk to her, I can't stand seeing her like this, please it's not good for her or me, or anyone else around her. It's affecting everyone, I know you still have something for her, what if she still likes you?"

"That's the difference Alex, likes I love her, but she wouldn't understand, I don't know if I'll be able to help her, if you can't why would I be able to?" 

"That's an answer you need to make for yourself." Alex got up as the bell rang. Finally this school day was over, it just seemed so long. I got up and exited the library, but ran into someone. 


"Oh hey Mallory, umm do you know where Brooklyn is?"

"Actually yea, she was looking for you."

"Me?" I looked at her slightly confused, the only person Brooklyn has been looking for lately is Alex. 

"Yea, go to her locker she might still be there."

I nodded my head at the freshman and made my way over. I saw her grabbing things from her locker as my eyes locked in on the rainbow ocular spheres shining in the sun light. 

"Hey umm Mallory said you were looking for me?"

"Umm yea I was actually, I just need to get my mind off of things and thought maybe we could go on a walk around the park or something, I was just wondering if you would go with me..."

"I would love to." I smiled at the mumbling girl and she gave a small nod. "I'll meet you there at 5, bye Steph."

"Bye." I watched her walk away as I felt my cheeks get warm, she chose me. Out of all her friends she asked me and it just made me feel special. I don't know why, but everything seemed like it was flowing back to normal. Brooklyn making small gestures of I don't even know what to call it, but it sent chills through my body.


"So how come you asked me?"

"I-I uhh, before I started dating Kailen I umm had a small crush on you, but I knew I had no chance of ever getting you-"

"That's not true." She looked at me with her head tilted and a small half smile appeared, she looked down at her feet as her cheeks reddened. "I was jealous of her, she got to be your girlfriend, I wanted to be...--"

"You still can- I-I mean she's gone, so it's not like I'm just not ever gonna date again, Kailen wouldn't want me to just stay single. I know she wouldn't. She understands, like you, I don't know why, but you're my Kailen when I first got here to this new school, I seemed to click with you, despite being younger."

"Despite being older, I can say the same, I liked you ever since the start and knew we would be close. Brooklyn, everyone's worried about you, I'm worried about you...I'm sorry for what happened, but-"

"It happened and I need to move on, it's affecting everyone around me too, I know I will, but it's been hard, it just feels like I've lost something irreplaceable."

"What is that?"

"My best friend I guess."

"I could be that if you let me."

"I could see that."

She genuinely smiled at me as a small giggle escaped her mouth, she turned her head away from me and looked up at the sky. "In so many ways I know our friendship will be perfect, because you are."

"I'm not, but people aren't perfect in general, but sometimes perfect for someone."

"You're my perfect one Steph." A small blush covered her face, but she didn't attempt to hide it.

"I'm glad we went on this walk." 

"I am too, I am too." We walked towards her house and stopped on her front porch. "Thanks Steph, I think this is where I finish, I'll remember her, but only in good ways." She gave me a hug before entering her front doors and entered them leaving me alone in front of the Morgan household smiling like a fool.


A\N: sorry really short, but I'm super busy!!!

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