Everything Takes Time

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Tobin's POV

"So did you ever talk to Alex?" 

"Umm... I-I no... I'm just not in the best place especially without-"

"Kelley? Talk to Alex, apologizes, Kelley will forgive you when you do the right thing. Okay? I know everything seems hard right now, but we'll get through it." 

"Yea, I will, is Alex okay though, like has Brooklyn talked to her, or anyone?"

I shook my head no and let out a sigh, because this has been tearing Alex apart. She won't eat that much lately hasn't been getting much sleep, she's a wreck right now. I feel bad for her, I mean, she just poor thing is going through too much. 

"Brooklyn isn't talking to anyone, not even Steph, she-"

"Not even Steph? But Brooklyn liked Steph?" 

"Yea, I know, but apparently... I don't know if I can... hmmm... okay Hope promise me this, what I'm about to tell you only stays in your head, don't tell anyone, don't write it, no one can know. Brooklyn came home with Kailen Sheridan that night, she's friends with two mustangs." 

"She's what?!" 

"Hope calm down, she was friends with them before she went here or they went there." I put my hand on Hope's shoulders and she slumped back in her seat. 

"Well she needs to figure out who's team, she's on." 

"She will in time, just everyone is so worried, but just wait it'll work out." 

"Yea, wise words from Tobin Heath, what's keeping you so calm during all of this?" 

"I-I don't know, I haven't even thought about it yet, I just, everyone else is falling apart, we need someone that is still together." She nodded her head before getting up and walking away. 

I got up and left too. I was walking down the empty hall when I saw Brooklyn. "We need to talk." 

"I need space and time, Tobin you were the cool one, and I thought you would understand.." 

"Alex is-" 

"I don't care about Alex, she said... you weren't even there, you don't know how bad that- it just, I didn't want Alex to ever be one I fought with, and now I just can't, I look at her and I see myself getting hurt. I'm not letting myself get hurt anymore, I'm done with that." 

She rushed away and faded down the hall as I leaned against my locker. She's not wrong though. Alex screwed up, and it's hard to come back from what she said. It's hard, but not impossible though. 

~~~Three days later~~~


"Hey Lex, how ya feeling." 

"Do you really need to ask that?" 

"Well I mean I feel like the answer is about to change..."

"What do you mean by that?" 

"I got Brooklyn to agree, she said she'll go out to get a snowcone and you have fifteen minutes, to fix things, so good luck." 

"Really?!" I nodded my head as Alex jumped in my arms. 

"Thanks Tobs, I love you and owe you big time!" 

"Yea yea, go home, and please plan this out so you know things work out, it gets better, okay?"

"Bye Tobs." 

She skipped off and a smile appeared on my face. 


Alex's POV

She actually got in the car with me, so that's a start. She looked at me too, and that hasn't happened at all lately which is pretty sad since were teammates, sisters, she doesn't sit at our table anymore, but I don't know that might change again. 

"What kind of snow cone are you gonna get?" 

"Maybe a pink lemonade or blue raspberry, probably one of those two."

"I can get them to split it." 

"Wait they can do that?" She turned to me surprised and a light giggle escaped my mouth from her facial expression. "Yep, and if you want I'll get it for you." 

"That would be great." A smile appeared on her face and it caused one to appear on mine. I haven't seen her smile in awhile. It was nice to see it again.

We pulled into the snow cone place and hopped out. "Come on." 


"So umm, Im really sorry, I'm- I've been really stressed out, because this, being an older sister is hard, nothing has been your fault, but... it's been my fault. I shouldn't have said those things, your my little sister and I really do love you Brooklyn, it killed me when you wouldn't even look at me, and just seeing you smile made my week, not just day, but week, because I missed that smile... I'm hoping you'll forgive me." 

She shook her head and looked up with a smile. "Everything takes time, I'm sorry I got so mad, you're trying so hard and I see that now, so yea, I forgive you." I pulled her into a tight hug and held her as we ate our snow cones. 

"Wanna go home?" 

"Yea, I'm tired." 

We left the snow cone place happy, something I was glad returned. 

~~~six days later~~~

Brooklyn's POV 

"Alex, stop, Alex! Okay, okay!" I giggled as Alex legs were wrapped around me and she tickled me. We were on the soccer field at our school. 

"Okay, fine, come on we should probably be getting home soon." She stuck her hand out and helped me up, and we packed our bags.

"Brooklyn, wait...I need to tell you something."

I turned around shocked to see this person at our school. "Dani, Ash, what are you doing here, like of all places this is bad timing!"

"Wait, you're friends with Dani Weatherholt and Ashley Hatch?!" Alex looked at me shocked, but not mad.

"Umm, yea, what, what are you doing here?" 

The both looked at each other and I couldn't quite tell, but they were worried about something. Dani looked back at me and lowered her head as Ashley turned away. 

"Brooklyn...Kailen...she's dead." I saw tear fall from Dani's eye as she bit her lip.

My legs just trembled luckily Alex saw what was happening and caught me as I fell to the ground. Tears just flew fromy eyes, this can't be true, and Dani...she wouldn't mess with me like that, she's known me practically as long as Kailen.










"Brooklyn, Brooklyn wake up." Alex shook my shoulders and my eyes popped open. It was just a dream. "Hey what's wrong?" Alex wrapped her arms around me and held me tight as she wiped tears off my cheeks. 

"It was just a bad dream." I whispered the words into her shoulder as I steadied my breathing, she's not gone, it was just a dream. I drifted back asleep in Alex's arms, hopefully better sleep and not any more nightmares. I felt Alex kiss my head as she pulled a blanket over us. 

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