Chapter 1 - The Usual Routine

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Warning: Grammarly Check with application but not proof and beta-ed.

Words count 1530.

Beep... Beep... Beep...

Krist is woken up by the startling sounds of his phone alarm. He opened his eyes abruptly and straightened his body. His eyes looking around for his phone as the sound still blazing up. After he found it and turn off the alarm, he realized he falls asleep on his desk while doing homework last night, again like usual. These days he falls asleep easily. He even falls asleep at work and college. Well, he knows he's sleeps deprived.

Krist gets up from the chair and stretching, his back and neck feel so sore. He can hear the cracking sounds when he stretched. He started to tidy up his desk when he saw a blanket falls on the floor. Must be his brother Bas who cover him up with a blanket last night. He smiled. Well, having good brothers always be another encouragement for him to spend his day with so much passion.

The clock shows it was 4 A.M. It's time for Krist to prepare for the day. He showered and dressed before preparing his brother clothes and by the time he was done, it was a quarter to 5 A.M. He went to the kitchen to prepare some breakfast.

It has been his usual routine to wake up early and prepare anything before his brother wakes up. It has been 2 years since his parents died, but never once he complains. While other boys at his age still get pampered by their parents, Krist should be the one working hard so that he can pay him and his brother tuition and daily needs.

His parents not poor but not rich either. It's just after they're dead, Krist realized that they took some debt and he should be the one paying it. He has to sell his house and give up almost all inheritance to pay up the debt because he can't stand getting billed by the moneylenders. The remaining money from the sale of the house is saved for his brother's future education and life needs.

At first, it was very hard and he usually cries at night when his brothers asleep. He asked for help from his aunt and grandmother but they too have limited money. They usually send Krist money but when he count it up, it still not enough and he still needs to work.

Krist has thinking to drop out of college and just working but his baby brother Bas threatening to do the same if it's happened. So he left with no choice but to work diligently and hard.

Today's breakfast is just eggs with rice and sausages. He wants to have a more variated menu but he can't afford it. He glanced again at the clock and it shows it was 5 A.M. He should go to his first work in the morning now. While stuffed his mouth with the sausage, he walks to the bedroom to wake up his brothers. Waking them up at this hour broke his heart every time he did it.

"Bas, come on wake up... hey Bas...," he shook his brother's body. Bas mumbled because his sleep disturbed.

"I have to go now, come on wake up,"

"... Yeah...," Bas mumbled.

"Come on," Krist said again in a warning tone and then Bas slowly opened up his eyes and finally registering in his head what happened. He got up and starting to stretch his body.

"Breakfast is ready. I should go now. What time you'll be home today?" Krist asked in hasty.

"I'll be done at 5,"

"Don't forget to tell the kindergarten that you'll be late picking up Cooper,"

"Yes. Do you have overtime work again today?"

"No. I'll be home at seven," Krist smiled and messed up Bas's hair then kissing the still sleeping Cooper's cheeks before taking his bag and jacket. He rashly goes out of their small apartment after snatching some sausages again. Bas just shook his head and started collecting the dirty clothes to wash them before tidying up the house.

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