Chapter 9 - Potential Love Rival

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another long chapter for you guys~

Off was having enough of Krist and Singto's PDA. He was getting irritated by it. Off didn't know what had happened to the two but suddenly they were okay with flirting in the public. Singto would always come to meet Krist when he could, brought him snacks or pink milk until Off was sure that Krist would get diabetic because of it. Sometimes Singto would text Krist, said that he was waiting outside the class. If the class wasn't over yet, the two would continue to text each other. If the class was over, Krist would immediately meet Singto outside, and the two would immerse in their own world, didn't care about the other till the next class started. When Singto has class too, they couldn't meet and Off should be satisfied talking with another friend because Krist would be very busy texting with Singto. Off never knew that Krist's phone was that important for him. Usually, Krist would just check it once or twice through the day.

What crept Off the most was when he saw them flirting. Well, it was not to the extent make him wanted to vomit but it was so obvious till all the sophomores in their year had speculated the two was dating. Singto would always look at Krist lovingly and Krist would always blush and giggle embarrassed. They were not touching each other that much but sometimes slightly touch from one of them to the other was enough to make them smiled shyly. Off had a girlfriend but they were never can be sweet like that. How could a slight brushed to remove the dust in the shoulder could look so romantic?

Once Off asked if Singto like Krist and the senior answered that Off was more susceptive than Krist. Off just said that by now the whole University was thinking that the two are dating. Singto smiled and said that he was serious. Well, if he wasn't, Off swore that he would be the one who kills him first.

When he talked about the whole University student knew about their relationship, he was exaggerating. But some of them was speculating like that. They would come asking Krist about it. Krist would always say that they were just friends, just Phee and Nong. Off knew that his friend was slow but he didn't it that it was this severe. After heard Krist's answer, the girls (and sometimes boys) would ask if Krist could introduce them to Singto. At first, Krist agreed, but after he saw Singto's offensive gesture, he would reject the next someone asked. Off hit his forehead in peeved when Krist asked why would P'Singto hated to be introduced to the girls.

Since their class got so hectic, Krist's job would be shifted on the day he has no class. Those days were Saturday and Sunday. He would work non-stop from the morning until late in the evening. The assignments, the class, and the jobs made Krist exhausted. Off could see that. But he was glad he didn't help Krist because there was Singto doing that with so much care and loving.

Like just now, Krist has just recovered from the cold he had got yesterday. Singto was acting like a babysitter, asked him what he needed, what he wanted, and always checked Krist's temperature with his hand. Krist had said that he was okay but Singto couldn't stop pampering him.

"Why don't you to just kiss and dating?" Off asked irritatedly one day. But rather than answering the question, Krist would smack his head.

At first, Krist was hesitated to have Singto around. Krist has told Off about the girls who were talking about him. About how he dared to use Singto just because he was rich. Off was confused. Never once Krist minded about what people talking about him before. But strangely enough, just a talk about Singto, this friend of his would stressed out. Off remember someone had talked about Krist's uniform that was so old and had started getting yellowish with a mocking tone. Off went berserk after that, while Krist just walked away like it was nothing. So now, Off told him not to think about that, as Singto too did the same. That talked was gone by now. The girls that Krist said were the one who talked, now didn't even dare to take a look at Krist at all. They looked terrified when they saw Krist. Krist didn't notice this. And Off started to think that it all might just Krist's hallucination. Off knew that Singto should have an unofficial fan club, but he really didn't want Krist to become their vexation prey.

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