Chapter 3 - Brothers

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As Always, WARNING it's not proofed and beta-ed.

It was one in the afternoon and Krist didn't have any class again for today. He tidied up his books and stuffed them in the bag then started walking out of the classroom.

"I'll stop by your house tonight!" Off shouted behind him. Krist made an okay sign with his hand and dashed outside.

On the way to the bus stop, his stomach growled. He hadn't had lunch yet. He would be eating later at his work because his boss is a softie and always pampered him. He has been working at a restaurant in Silom Street for a year. The shifts are every day except Saturday start from 2 in the afternoon until 6 in the evening except when it's high season, he will work overtime. Before he started his shift, the boss would ask him to eat first. It didn't matter if Krist had lunch before or not, he would still be forced to eat.

Actually, Krist has another work at a bakery on weekends, Wednesday and Thursday. And his shifts usually in the evening from 6.30 to 10. With those works, he could pay for the apartment rent and his brother's tuition. He himself can survive because of scholarship he got from the university so it helped a little. If he counts it up, he actually didn't have to sell flowers at all. But he just needs a little allowance for himself. He liked to save up because sometimes there would be unexpected expenses. Just like last month when he had to spend some of his savings because Bas needed a new baseball mitt (the old one had torn apart and couldn't be repaired) and Cooper's kindergarten would hold a study trip and an annual festival.

Krist fastened his steps towards the University's gate but stopped abruptly. The new transferred senior was standing in front of the gate with his friends. He's surely such an eye candy. Krist knows all of his senior's friend and they have a good relationship as nong and p', but this Singto guy, Krist wouldn't risk getting close to him. His first impression about Singto was that guy sure has a charisma but also isn't nice at all. Krist saw now the seniors are being surrounded by girls whose clearly looks admiring them, but Singto didn't even bat an eyelash. He looked indifferent. If Krist wanted to pass them, he should give them waii. But then Singto would see him again and Krist didn't want that guy chewed him up again in case he still upset about the flower thing. So he turned around and sprinted back to the class. His eyes spotted Off chatting with Pern, his girlfriend.

"Hi, Pern," Krist gasped. He greeted her while taking Off's wrist.

"Hi, Krist! Are you okay?" Pern greeted back. She looked concern as he saw Krist catching his breaths.

"Yes... Sure...,"

"What happened?" now it's Off's turn to ask.

"Help me! Take me to the restaurant,"

"What? Why?"

"I'll tell you later. Please? I'm late," Krist turned to Pern. "I'm sorry to disturb your quality time with the boyfriend,"

"It's okay. I don't mind. He just blabbering unimportant things," Pern smiling wide. Krist said thanks and pulled Off with him without hearing Off's protests.

"Surprised! It's the first time you asked me to escort you! I'm used to be rejected when I offered to take you to work or home," Off said offendedly.

"Well, there's something happened,"


"I told you I'll tell you later,"

"Why? Tell me now," Krist rolled his eyes and walked ignoring Off once again. Not long after, they reached the parking lot and get into Off's car. Off still stared at Krist weird. Off started the car and started driving. Just as they would reach the university gate, Krist adjusted the car's seat, pulling it backward so that the senior gang that still stood there wouldn't see him.

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