Chapter 19 - The Last Strain

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Ready for another angst? This chapter would be the last angst in this story :) (maybe) not beta-ed and proofed yet. Anyway... brace yourself ^^

Krist could let the fate played him but he won't let them hurt or even touch his brother. So, Krist came to his brother's school to negotiate.

The result, as expected, was null. Krist even threatened them to make this case known by society as an injustice and the decision of one but that didn't make them dithered. Krist tried to persuade some teacher but they were too scared to help. The decision would be out next week and Krist wouldn't let his brother get expelled just like that. He prepared a petition to help Bas and gathered all the sign from the parents. By now the only one signed that just the parents of Bas's friends. This broke Krist's heart. But he wouldn't give up. He tried to persuade them even though some of them treated him like some lunatic guy. Still, it wasn't enough.

Off and Pern helped him going here and there, asking people to sign the petition. It was hard because they had to keep repeating the same explanation for every people they've met.

To Krist's dismay, Godt wasn't there to help him like always. The giant was gone the next day after Krist and Bas's news about the expulsion. Krist thought the tall guy only gone for a while but all his stuff and his pink scooter was gone. He thought that Godt might be tired to hear about Krist's dramatic life as he was a rich and pampered guy, to begin with, but he knew Godt wasn't someone who will leave his friends alone. He was too loyal. That was proved by the notes he found was left by the stupid guy above the rice cooker.

Godt went back to his home. He said he couldn't let Krist face more difficulties and was going to come back to ask for help from his family. Krist doubted it because he thought once Godt came back to his family, he will be married to the girl his family had chosen before. That stupid guy... Krist didn't even ask him to sacrifice himself like this. What could possibly he do if he went back only to get captured and prisoned by his parents?

Krist's life was basically changed. He was more relaxed now that he didn't have to attend class or even thinking about it at all and he could get one more job that thankfully was stable. He worked as a waiter in a fast food restaurant. He was accepted the moment he applied and fulfill the requirements. That was why he decided to quit his job as the laborer at the construction site.

The one who was in euphoria was Cooper. Being a child and doesn't care what happened with the world, he was glad now that his P'Krist had more time to spend with him. He didn't stop chirping in the morning because he had his favorite P'Krist took him to the kindergarten and picked him up in the afternoon. His oldest brother played with him too in the evening. He was the happiest in Sangpotirat fams now.

Another thing that changed is Bas. Looked more gloomy everywhere he went. Because he had nothing to do, he helped Krist to deliver the newspapers in the dusk and even helping the Aunty the florist to earned some cash. He would give it to Krist after he got it, didn't fazed by Krist's protest and rejection. Krist let him after some time because he thought that at least could stray Bas' attention from the sadness and guilty he felt.

Krist was sighing again for the nth time. He kept looking at his obsolete handphone, waiting for any calls. He didn't know who but he hoped to hear a good news soon. Even if it just a phone call from someone who decided to sign the petition. He needed a hope.

"P'Krist!" Suddenly he heard Cooper called him with his pouted little mouth.

"Krub?" Krist smiled. He couldn't resist the cuteness.

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