Chapter 20.2 - You and I

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The meeting was on hold for a good twenty minutes before finally Krist and Bas were called inside the meeting room. There were already sitting nicely, the headmaster, the parents, teachers, and a woman that Krist recognized as Mongkut's mother, on the big round table. This situation made Krist more nervous.

Unusually, the headmaster stood up and greeted Krist with a hand extended, shaking Krist's hand. He smiled and even pulled a chair for Krist to sit on. Krist was afraid that despite the promises Singto made, he still couldn't help his brother. And maybe that was why the headmaster was so kind to him, as it is might be for the last time.

"We're sorry for calling you here and even makes you wait,"

"It's fine,"

"Yes... and maybe we should apologize too for the inconvenience of this case. We're just going through this again and realized that we're very wrong from the beginning," at that, Mongkut's mother slams her palms on the table and the walked out of the room angrily. She even slammed the door after her. The headmaster sighed but then smiled at Krist. "This board meeting, the parents, teachers, student council, are all agreed that Bas Suradej isn't guilty. He can start to come to school again from today. We already scheduled the supplement study for all the subjects he has to catch up. He can meet his homeroom teacher after this meeting,"

Krist and Bas could only agape and looked around in disbelief. They couldn't believe it was the decision they really have waited to hear on. Krist turned to look at his brother who was on the verge of crying again. He held this conflicted feelings about this. Part of him was happy, another part of him was forced to realize...

"We would like to apologize for this case to escalate till this point. We're making sure that Bas will get an extra care and of course, he will still be the ace of the baseball team like before. I hope your big heart can spare us the forgiveness,"

...that Singto's power and status was a real deal.


Bas cried, thinking all his brother's efforts to collect the signs for the petition was working. He hugged Krist while saying thanks nonstop. After some time, and after being teased by Krist about the big-guy-and-still-crying thing, he stopped crying and decided to inform his friends about this good news. That was when the phone on Krist's pocket vibrated. Krist didn't pick it up. He knew who called so he just excused himself and walked out of the school building. He could see Singto already waited for him in front of the school gate. Singto's serious expression somehow made Krist glad. He didn't know why. But still, there was this miserable feeling he couldn't shake off.

"How is it?" Singto asked when finally Krist stood in front of him.

"Thanks to you," Krist answered shortly. Then without any warning, Singto took Krist on his embrace, tightly. He smelled the unique scent that only Krist had with all the relief he has.

"Thanks for giving me chance. I will not make you disappointed," Singto said wholeheartedly while tightening up the embrace.

Krist didn't say anything. As if his silence represented all his answers.

"I already paid your family debt too. You don't have to worry anymore," Krist couldn't even think how Singto knew about the debt. His mind only circled around the problem about Singto and his relationship.

"Come," Singto reluctantly released his hug then opened his car backseat door, motioned Krist to get in.

"Where are we going to?" Krist asked.

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