Chapter 20.1 - You and I

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For everybody who was waiting for so long. Here is the last chapter of Book I. Because of the very long chapter, I divided it into two parts. Like usual, please beware of commonly wrong grammars and typos as this Chapter too isn't beta-ed or proofed.

It's been a long time and I really hope you would like this. No excuse, writing is a very difficult thing to do when you're not in mood :) My mood usually some when I have to do assignments or doing my thesis lol. After that, I don't even want to touch my laptop and only want to reading in my phone. and Strangely, I've wrote the 1st chapter of Book 2 LOL.

I want to say thanks to all the reader for patiently waiting for this disappointing story and please keep support me on my next works :) you're all my encouragement~

finally~ enjoy~ :)


He groaned. The pain in the back of his neck made him dizzy. The second passed, then he felt all his body joints in pain. The circular motion made in his head causing a nauseous feeling. He wanted to gaged. He opened his eyes slowly, trying to fight all the temptation that suggests him to took another deep sleep. If it wasn't because of the nightmare he had, he definitely will back to the dreamland.

The deja vu hit him when the eyes were opened fully and he could see around. He had been here before.

Krist tried to get up, with a little difficulty, because his body screamed out the fatigue he had then sat on the edge of the bed. He ignored the fatigue and once again, carefully, looking around. He knew this place.

Without wasting another time, he got up and walked slowly to the center of the room, where the television was left on. He took the remote and turned up the volume. The television was now showing the news about fire incident at an old apartment building. Krist's body was shaking, trembling. He unconsciously dropped the remote in his hand, then slowly close his own mouth with both his hands. He still couldn't believe this.

A tear dropped from his left eye, making a trail at his cheek. He felt like he was dead. The apartment he had been living in for about two years was burned to ashes. Nothing left. All the memories and the vivid things he had was none now. What was left of him that God would take again?

Krist dropped down to the floor, his trembling feet couldn't hold his body weight anymore. His eyes still fixated on the screen where it showed what was left of the building.

Singto just walked in when he saw his beloved sitting down on the floor with an aghast face. He quickly walked approaching him, crouched down, took him in his embrace. His other hand reached for the remote that had fallen not far from Krist's foot, then turning off the tv.

"Hey," he said softly, hoping Krist would turn his attention to him. Krist closed his eyes. He buried his face into the broad chest he always adores from afar, trying to shake the horrible memories from his mind. Another tear that had fallen wetting Singto's tee.

"It's okay," he tried to calm him. This was new even to him so he didn't know how to coax the smaller man. "Everything is going to be okay,"

But Krist knew it won't. In a few days, Bas was going to be expelled from the school. In a few weeks, the loan sharks would come to collect the debt. He had the money. It was in the cupboard. But it wasn't there anymore. Everything was burned down together with the building. He was homeless and penniless now and he didn't know what to do.

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