Chapter 10 - Possessive

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Warning Not Proofed and Beta-ed

Words Count 5600

Krist was shocked. Did he hear it right? Fiancee?

The beautiful girl smirked. His facial expressions must have been changed so that this girl called Aim scoffed at him.

"Now you know, I hope you stop seducing my fiancee," said Aim. Krist didn't know what to say. He could hear his friends around him all whispered about him. Now he looked like he was the girl's boyfriend stealer.

"Just so you know too, this guy here hasn't done anything to seduced your boyfriend or fiancee or whatever it is! Your boyfriend was the one who pursues him!" said Off, still angry.

"That's not what I heard. Someone told me that he was shamelessly asked my boyfriend to took him somewhere every day,"

"Then maybe you should ask the person first if it's true or not! Don't come here suddenly and accused others!"

"It doesn't matter if it's true or not. You have approaching Singto for what? Two months already? And you still dare to say you're not using him? Then you must be in love with him. Just let me tell you," Aim took a step closer towards Krist who tried to step back. "You should know your place. An impecunious and penniless man like you isn't worthy of a great man like Singto,"

Aim said that and stared right at Krist's eyes. Krist could feel his heart beats painfully. This was his first time to be insulted till he was feeling sad because of it. Usually, he never paid attention to everyone who talked about his flaws. It was okay because almost everything they were talked about was true so he never said anything. Never took it to heart. But what Aim just said makes him realized who was he really is. Made him realized where was his place. That he and Singto were never meant to be.

"You maybe don't know but Singto will take over his father's companies. And everyone was expecting him to succeed. Your status is so much different than his.
What do you have? You have nothing. You're not even the best student here," Aim continued her assault.

"Hey!" Off got angrier. Krist's hand that held him before were loosened and he took the chance to released himself from Krist's grip and pushed the girl harshly. Everybody was gasping when the girl shoved but Off didn't care at all. Krist just stood there stupefied.

"I told you before! I don't care you are a girl or not, I'm going to hit you! Now scram!"

"I don't say anything wrong," said the girl. Now a few male friends from their class was holding Off so that he wouldn't go berserk.

"You...!!!" Off tried to reach the girl but his friend held him tightly.

"I just want to say that," Aim then go after scoffed one last time at Krist.

"Why don't you say something!" Off shouted at Krist who still in silent. Krist took a deep breath and released it slowly.

"I... I am not using P'Singto," said Krist inaudibly.

"I know that! But not everyone knows! Sometimes you should speak out! Why you let that girl said anything she wants!"

"I... I confused... I don't know what to say,"

"It's okay, Off. We know," said one of his friend. But when he saw around, not everyone has understanding expression. Some of them still whispered to each other, gossiping. Off clicked his tongue irritably. He then shrugged all his friend's hand that held him before.

"I should make it clear to the other one too!" He said angrily then walked fast furiously. Krist was startled. He tried to hold Off again by pulling his hand.

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