Chapter 6 - Confusion

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as usual, not proofed, not beta-ed.

words count 2856

"What is that?" Off asked right away after he saw sunflowers in Krist's embrace. Krist blushed.

"I don't quite understand myself," he answered and sit beside Off.

"What? This is the first time I saw you bring sunflowers. Someone order it?"


"And? Why are you blushing?"

"I'm not!"

"Oh!!! Someone must be giving it to you!!! Wow! Who?! Who is it?!!"

"Shhh!!! Off!! You're too loud!" Krist punched his friend on the shoulder lightly.

"Sorry... But really, who gave it to you?"

"Like I said before, I don't quite understand myself. Read it," Krist gave a piece of post-it to Off who read it excitedly.

"Wha...?? Who is this Singto guy?"

"The senior I've told you before. The one who gets angry when I delivered the flowers,"

"And? Why did he order the flowers just to give it to you? He should buy something other than flowers and give it to you by himself,"


"And why are you blushing?"

"Sh*t! Off! I'm not!"

"I can bring you a mirror if you want,"


Off reread the message. He chuckled and gave the post-it back to Krist.

"He's flirting with you," Off said while holding his laughter. Krist frowned.

"How do you know?"

"Hahaha! You want me to read it aloud so everyone can hear and jeer at you?! Read it carefully, bro! He told you that you are as beautiful as a sunflower! And asking you to have lunch with him! What part of it that doesn't tell you he's flirting with you?"

Off wondered if Krist's face could get any redder than this. Off could see even the ear and the back of his neck was red.

"I shouldn't have told you," Krist mumbled. Off laughed hard.

"Told you before, friend! Some guy would go gay for you!"

"Off! Keep your mouth! And you're too loud!"

Off laughed again. Krist really wanted to smack his friend hard but the professor just came into the class and Krist didn't want to make any scenes. He pulled out his book and pen from the bag while glared at Off.

"Look, I'm going to see this guy before your promised lunch, okay?"

"Why should you?"

"So that I will know if he good enough for you or not,"

Krist sighed. "For real, I think he didn't mean it that way. He just wanted to apologize. I really don't want to add any misunderstanding between us. We just cleared up things yesterday and I don't want any problems to arise. And I won't go having lunch with him because I've got to work, okay?"

Off shrugged his shoulder. Krist sighed again and took a glanced at the post-it in his hand. Thanks for this message, he couldn't sleep in peace last night. He secretly had the same thought like Off, that Singto might be really flirting with him. But he quickly removed that thought. That was impossible. Singto didn't really like him. He has done somethings that made Singto angry at him. Twice. Even though he didn't really understand what had made Singto angry for the second time. So after that, if Singto suddenly said that he was beautiful, asked him to join him for lunch, or maybe flirted with him, he decided it's not possible at all.

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