Chapter 15 - Longing For You

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WARNING not beta-ed or proofed. WORDS COUNT 3745.

Godt knew something had happened after Krist got home that day but he couldn't ask what. He had been crying. It might be because Krist was just tired. Even if he asked, he sure Krist would say there was nothing. So, he decided not to ask, just helped Krist without asking much.

Krist was like a lifeless robot these days. He barely had any sleep. He worked like crazy at the restaurant or at the construction site. His body reached the limit but he still forced it to move. Godt scolded him a few times but to no avail. He tried to call Off and asked him to scold Krist too but apparently Off already did but Krist ignored him.

Cooper got better even if he still not as cheerful as usual. And Bas already went back to school after his suspension done. Krist already paid for the damages Bas had made so Godt thought that Krist would get more relaxed but he seemed more indulged in his works. He would wake up early and cook some breakfast before went to deliver newspapers. After that, he went to school and would come to the restaurant in the afternoon and to the construction site in the evening. He would be home at ten or more at night. Then after he washed up, he would do his assignments or study till it was very late. Godt didn't have to be Krist to know how difficult it was. Even if Krist said he was fine but still, he worried.

Then suddenly it turned worse. Tonight Krist suddenly got a call from his grandmother in Khon Kaen when his brothers already fast asleep. Krist happily answered the phone. But after chatting for some time, Godt could see Krist frowned.

"But we already paid them," Krist persistently said.

"Yes, I told them that too but apparently there is some debt that isn't paid yet,"

"What? Grandma, are you sure they are the same people? I asked them many times before I paid them last time. They said we have debt no more,"

"I don't know, Krist. They said they will come to meet you and collect the debt,"


"I'm worried,"

"It's okay grandma,"

"We... Have some money here. Me and your aunt. We will send it to you,"

"No, please. I want to meet them first and have them explain what debt that I haven't paid yet. Did they mention how much it is?"

"Around 70.000 Baht,"

70.000 Baht?! This loan shark was too much!!!

Krist took a deep breath. He could feel his head spinning. He wanted to vomit. Krist said bye to his grandmother hurriedly and hang up the call. He then runs to the toilet and emptying his stomach. The stress was attacking him. Godt followed him and gave him a glass of water. He tried to coaxing Krist but it seemed Krist was too stressful.

"Krist, what's wrong? I heard you mention something about the debt," Godt asked, worried. Krist just smiled. He looked paler after gushed out all his stomach contents. Godt offered him to eat but Krist rejected it, he rather went to sleep now. Godt swore he had to do something before it all gets worse. He couldn't bear to see Krist suffering like this.


Krist woke up with his growled stomach. He was hungry. He looked around and saw Godt and his brothers was still asleep. He took his handphone to check the time. He woke up too early. It was still 3 in the morning.

Krist got up and walked to shower. After that, he lethargically went to the kitchen and started to cooking breakfast. It's too early but he was hungry. He made a simple french toast while waiting his rice cooked. He wondered why he was so famished then he remembered that he had vomited last night. Krist sighed. He rested his head on his palm, feeling hopeless. He wanted to cry again. Not because all the hardship that came to him. No. It was because he wanted Singto to be there for him, support him. And he was sad because it was impossible. He didn't know that falling in love would be hurt like this.

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