Chapter 4 - Smile and Stare

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Warning: not proofed and beta-ed

Word count 2906

It was Saturday and Krist had nothing to do after delivering the newspapers. He decided to go home and doing papers that were going to be submitted next week.

When he got home, He saw Bas roamed around the house doing chores. He smiled sadly. Bas still not talked to him since last night's small quarrel. Actually, Bas was a very nice and cute boy, but starting last year he became more rebellious. Bas rarely talked about himself now. Krist now understood the feeling of a mother whose children starting to grow up.

"Have you eat?" Krist asked but Bas just ignored him, walked to the washing machine and dumped some clothes in it. Krist let him because if he tried to talk to him about it, Bas would just get angrier. He tried it before.

Krist walked to the bedroom to woke Cooper up. He gave kisses all over the face of the toddler who stirred up not long after. Cooper awoke and giggled. Then both started to tickling each other and laughed happily.

"Cooper, bath," Bas said shortly from the bedroom door, disturbing the happy time. Cooper pouted and whined.

"Don't want to!"

"Cooper," warned Bas. Cooper buried his face in Krist's chest.

"It's okay, I'm going to bathe him later," said Krist. Bas just sighed and walked away.

"Breakfast first or bath first?" Krist asked.

"Sleep first!" Cooper giggled. Krist tickled Cooper's armpits and the toddler laughed so hard. Hearing the laugh was one of Krist remedies.

"Breakfast first or bath first?" Krist asked again, wiggling his eyebrows while his hands raised, ready to tickling again. Cooper laughed heartily.

"Breakfast!" He shouted in glee but Krist still tickled him.

"Hahahaha," Cooper laughed very loud. Then Krist Piggybacked Cooper (who started to imagine himself as a cowboy but shouted like an Indian) to the dining table. He took the meal he prepared before and put it in front of Cooper.

"Feed me?" Cooper begged with his hands clasped together. Krist laughed and ruffled his head. He sat down and feeding Cooper who is now babbling about his friends at the kindergarten.

After finished eating, Cooper ran to watch TV but Krist catches him before he did and bathe him. At eight, Bas was nowhere to see. He might be going to practice baseball at school. So Krist let Cooper watched the TV animation while he did the paper.

Krist done the paper at ten, he was going to study but then he sees Cooper (getting bored watching TV) playing with his car toys. Tomorrow his brothers would go to the beach with Off. He kinda felt envy and lonely so he decided to take Cooper the nearest park to play.

The Park was about 1 kilometers away from their rent apartment. Krist carried his brother in his arm. People around their neighborhood greeted them which Cooper returned eagerly. Cooper was surely popular. Everybody adored him.

They reached the Park which now starting to get crowded.

"Can I play that?" Cooper pointed at a playground with a slide.

"Sure. But please be careful. Don't push anybody, okay?"


Krist saw Cooper playing around from the bench not too far away. Cooper is climbing the stairs slowly and sliding down happily. Again and again. Sometimes he waved frantically to Krist. Kids surely have high spirit. Just saw that made him tired enough. But Krist couldn't stop smiling. He knew Cooper was always trying not to upset his brothers. He's four but sometimes he acts more mature than Bas. He just loved getting spoiled but he knew when to do that and when he had to just shut his mouth and hide away all the sadness. Krist thought that maybe it's all because of Cooper never knew about his parents. Kris remembered when his parents dead, Cooper never shuts up, just crying all along looking for his mother. It kinda upset him because when he still in mourn, he has to watch over Cooper. Once he thought to leave Cooper with his grandma in Khon Kaen, but he just couldn't. He has nothing except his two younger brothers, so he will live for them.

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