Chapter 12 - The Beginning of The Misfortunes

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A male Butler ran opened the front door urgently. A few maids who followed him behind then lined up on the door sides. He then opened an umbrella and waiting down on the stairs step for a car that just drove in through the mansion gate. When the car stopped, he quickly walked to opened the door and sheltered the driver who just got off with the umbrella.

"Young Master," he called him. Even
though he drove in a car, the young master was drenched from the rain. The butler watched him in worried. The young master just walked to the mansion in hurry. The butler followed him with still holding the umbrella, shielding him from the raindrops.

They got in the main house where all the maid that had lined up bowed to the young master. The butler gave the umbrella to a maid and took a towel that had been prepared before by another maid. He gave the towel to the young master.

"Where's Dad?" The Young Master ignored the towel that presented to him.

"He's in his study room," the Young Master then went straightly to climbed up the stairs.

"Young Master Singto, you should change your clothes first," the butler said from the foot of the stairs. Singto ignored him and went to a room on the second floor where his father's study room and library placed.

He took a deep breath and knocked the door twice before opened it. His father was sat in a reading chair comfortably. He looked up and saw his youngest child got into the room and walked approached him.

"Dad," Singto said.

"Son, why are you so wet? Get caught in the rain?" His father closed the book he was reading and took off his glasses, then put it on the nearest table. He raised one of his eyebrows when he saw his son was drenched in his shirt and long coat.

"Dad, I need to ask for something,"

"Well, we can talk after you change your clothes. You're wetting my carpets," the father joked while stood up.

Mr. Ruangroj looked old but wise. He stood tall but not taller than his sons. Singto's handsomeness was a hereditary from his father. His mother always said that Singto would look like his father so much when he grew older.

"I want you to annul the engagement," Singto said straightly to the point.

"What engagement?" His father asked confusedly.

"My engagement with the daughter of Pinsinchai family,"

"Why are suddenly talking about this? The engagement was decided last year and never once you talk about it,"

"Please, Dad. I beg you,"

The father looked at his son and sighed. His son begged him but he still stood proudly in front of him without a sign liked a desperate man. Still full of pride like always. It was one of his traits that inherited by Singto. But he knew that his son is serious. He could see Singto's hand clenched hard.

"Why? Last year before I set up the engagement, I asked you whether you want it or not. If you didn't want it, I'm not going to force you. But you said it's up to me. It's been a year and you just bring it up now?" His father pinched his nose bridge, pointed that he was tired. But Singto wouldn't back off.

Last year when the engagement happened, he still someone who thought that no such thing as falling in love. He played with a lot of women. So he didn't really care about the engagement. He didn't know that it will be a trouble in his life like now.

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