Chapter 5 - Sunflower

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Words count 2585

Warning: un-betaed, un-proofed

Krist got home after delivered all the newspapers that day. He yawned widely. His class started at 10 a.m so he thought to go sleep a while.

"P'Krist! Tired?" Cooper asked loudly. He and Bas were eating breakfast. Krist smiled.

"Not tired," he answered while ruffled Cooper's head. "Why you're both not going yet? You're going to be late,"

"This little one cries while I bathe him, said I'm too rough," Bas answered and then hit Cooper's head lightly. Cooper protested, talked with his mouth full of the meal while shook his head. Krist just laughed.

Yesterday his brothers went to the beach with Off and Pern while he has to work. They back home at 10 p.m and he had to listen to Cooper's story about his day. Cooper still energetic even after 2 hours storytelling. He wouldn't stop if Krist didn't say that he would listen to the story again tomorrow and it was time to sleep. Bas was asleep right after he back home. Krist happy because Bas looked in a good mood after the vacation. He stopped ignoring Krist.

"What time you'll be home today?" Krist asked Bas.

"At five P'. I have baseball practice today,"

"Oh about baseball, I have something for you. Wait here,"

Bas looked at his brother who half runs towards their bedroom. When he came out, he brought a big box and gave it to Bas. Bas raised his eyebrows.

"What is this?"

"Open it,"

There's something in Krist's smile that made him scared. His brother seldom smiled like that. Bas opened the box and what he saw inside the box makes him gasped and widen his eyes.

"P'! New baseball shoes?!" With trembled hand, Bas pick up one of the shoes and examined it in awe. "And it looked expensive. No! It must be expensive!"

"I saw your shoes yesterday when tidying up the house. It's kind of torn in various places. So I decided to buy a new one for you. It's about time after all. And it's not expensive at all,"

"Don't lie P'! I know this brand is expensive. How could you buy it for me? You can use the money for another need,"

"It's my savings. You don't need to worry about it. And please don't say that. Fulfilling my brother's needs is my duty. And I never once regrets it,"

Bas teared up. He stood up then hugged his P' tightly. Krist laughed. It's been a long time since this big boy hugged him. Krist hugged him back and patted his head dearly.

"P' so sorry didn't realize it sooner. P' know that sometimes P' too busy to even spend time talking to you and Copter. P' promise after this P' will listen to all you and Cooper babbling even the not important one. So please, if you need something like new shoes, uniform, or even just a little money please tell P' about it. P' may not look like it, but P' really have savings so please don't ever hesitate,"

Krist could hear Bas sobbing, and he felt his shoulder wet but he let his brother stay in his arms. It's been a long time since their sentimental bonding.

"It's not that I don't want to say it. It's just I can't say it. Every day I see you wake up too early and got home late at night with a tired face. Even if you always smiling, I feel very bad because I can't help you,"

"You don't need to. It's my duty,"

"It's because you're like this that I get more upset! You won't let us spoiled you!"

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