Chapter 2 - Lion

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Warning: not proof read and beta-ed

Words count 2480

"Thank you," Krist said to the bus driver while he gets off the bus.

Within the bus stop, he still has to walk to the college. Krist fastened his steps. He should sell some of the flowers before the class starts. He didn't want the flowers to get shriveled.

He saw some freshman girls in front of college's gate. He started sprinting towards them.

"Hey, girls! Good morning!" He stopped them. The girls stopped, a little bit startled. But when they saw it was their senior they gave him waii. Krist returned the waii and shows the flowers.

"Wanna buy any flowers? It looked pretty like you all on this beautiful morning!"

"... Erm...,"

"It's still fresh you know, I just pick it up at the florist this morning," Krist beamed while the girls look at each other, confused.

"Or...," Krist continue while whispered, "If you have any crush towards someone at the college I could deliver it to them, you get a free card to write the message too!"

"Wow, really? You'll deliver it to the person?"

"Sure, I'm professional and everyone knows I'm doing this business," Krist boasted. He feels excited to get some new customers. The freshman girls still looked at him skeptically.

"My name is Krist, second year at Industrial Engineering. You really can check up on me later,"

"Then how much is it to have it delivered to someone?"

"400 Baht a flower,"

"Hmm... could you please give it to someone in Industrial Engineering too? He's in the third year!"

"May I know their name?"

"P'Singto! Prachaya Ruangroj,"

"Eh? Never really heard that name,"

"He just transferred last week,"

A transferred student in the middle of the semester? How weird. Krist thought.

"Sure. Any messages you want to deliver too?" Krist asked again. The freshman girls suddenly being too excited. They giggled and whispered to each other. The one with a ponytail hair blushed so bad. When Krist gave then post-it to wrote on, their become wilder and didn't even try to turn down their voice.

"Write it! To the most handsome man in the world, Singto!" Girl A said.

"No no no! You must sound more sincere but innocent!" Girl B talked back.

"Or...! Write a poem!" Girl C chimed in.

"I said no! We must write like it is our first time to be in love,"


And so on, and so on. Krist got dizzy by the fuss. Who is this Singto and why he didn't know about a single transfer student at all? And a senior too?

"Girls..., how about each of you send one? You can write your own desired messages too," Krist said after a good five minutes passed and nothing was written at all in the post-it.

"Sure," Girl B said and Krist distributed the post-it to each one of them.after they finished writing, they gave it to Krist.

"It'll be delivered later because I have class in the morning, is it okay?"

To My Beloved (Singto and Krist's fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now