Chapter 13 - Bottomless Sorrow

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Bas tightened his grip on the bat. He eyed the pitcher across him intensely. The eyebrows furrowed as his focused mind never miss even the very slightest gesture from the pitcher. From the mound, the pitcher gave him a smug smile. The pitcher raised his left foot before stepped far ahead and swung his arm, pitching the ball right to the home base when the catcher's mitt already awaited. Bas smirked, easy course, he thought. He too raised his left foot and stomped it on the ground so hard to hold his body. He swung the bat so fast and hard till the catcher and the referee could feel the wind breeze that came from it.


The ball was making contact with the bat and sent flying between the right and the center fielder, soaring towards the fence. The bench screamed in euphoria after the ball hit the fence and dropped down to the ground.

"The second home run from Bas Suradet!" Someone shouted. Bas's friends were running towards him and hugged him before he could finish going around the bases. They don't care if some other getting squished or stomped. They were too euphoric to care about that.

The game was called with score 0 - 5 in the eighth inning, won by away team. Thanks to Bas, their catcher and the fourth batter who gave two home run with three RBI. The team smiled ear to ear. When they stood to face the opponent to bow after the game, everyone could see how proud they were. Even if it just a practice game, they could feel the spirit seeped out through their body pores.

"You rascal! That was awesome!" Bas's best friend, Chimon ruffled his hair hard. Bas only laughed happily.

The coach gathered them after the game and told them it was a very satisfying away game. Every player was happy because the coach rarely praised them. They were told to collect their things and prepare to go back to their own school. Everybody dispersed right away and started to collect their things after changing their clothes.

Bas was whistling happily when Chimon nudges him. Bas looked up and saw Chimon eyes were on some of their sophomore seniors that stood arrogantly in front of them. Bas stopped his whistling and zipped up his bag.

"Great job," said one of the senior named Mongkut. It should be a praise but the seniors sneered at Bas and mocked him with their expressions. Bas knew the seniors didn't like him because of he just a first-year yet he could play in the first string and the coach took a like in him.

"Thank you, P'," he replied. He remembered that his brother always told him to be humble and patient.

"You played good, for someone who never gets a baseball coach before," said the senior again. Bas just smiled.

"You wrong P', we got a coach at the junior high school. It's just we never got in a tournament before, so many people don't know about it," Chimon butted in. The senior tsk-ed at him and then hit his shoulder hard. Chimon groaned.

"I didn't talk to you,"

All the first year in the team now stopped their doing and watched the scene. It was actually pretty often scenes to be witnessed because the seniors like to bullying Bas too much. They were envy with him. Surprisingly Bas always took the insults or the bullying well. But that actually what made the seniors more annoyed and hates him.

"For a poor like him, this is an achievement," the Senior continued to sneer at him. Bas still kept silent. "I see you've got brand new shoes there. What happened with the old one? Finally, break and ripped? Tell me how can you bought one when you are this poor. Sometimes I see you couldn't buy lunch because you don't have money,"

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