Chapter 14 - The Weakness of The Strong

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A/N: in my opinion... this is a boring chapter. please bear with it. anyway, we should expect angst until the end of book 1 :(

"Here," Off gave him a brown envelope. Krist took it hesitantly.

"I promise I will pay you as soon as I have the money," he said. Off hit his head lightly with a boring face.

"That's the seventh times you said it for today! Calm down, okay! I'm happy to help you! Glad, actually. This is the first time you want to accept my help after all,"

"I just.. don't want to be a burden,"

"My mouth going to fall off someday because it keeps telling you are not a burden at all. At least you can say thanks,"


Off nodded in satisfied. He took out his laptop and started to work on his assignment.

"If you need anything else, please don't hesitate to let me know. I really want to help you," he added. Krist could feel his heart is warming. He felt loved.

"Sure," he answered softly. He put the envelope save in his bag. While Off worked on his assignment, Krist opened his textbook to read it. But he couldn't concentrate at all. His thoughts kept drifting away.

Today was the end of the month. He should pay for apartment, electricity, and water too. Now how could he pay for it when he struggled to get some money? After he paid the compensation for the damaged properties then he will have no savings anymore. How could they survive?

Working while still attending class, already made him tired. Exhausted. Maybe he should ask his aunt and his grandma for some money. He had no other choice.

"How about you and that senior?" Off asked suddenly, making Krist's thoughts dispersed right away.


"P'Singto and you,"

"Oh... Nothing... I guess,"

"Good. Stay away from him. You already have a lot of problems because of him," Krist nodded sadly. He knew Off didn't mean bad, he just didn't want Krist to get hurt.

Ring Ring Ring!

Krist's phone suddenly rang. He took it out from his pocket and frowned upon to see Bas's name as the caller. He answered the call.


"P'! P'Krist! Please come right now! Please!"

"What?! Hey, Bas! Calm down and tell me what's going on!"

"On the hospital, P'! Cooper!"

"What?! What happen?!"


And then Krist could only hear Bas crying. He got panicked. What actually has happened.

"Bas! Calm down and speak slowly!" he almost shouted. Off who noticed the urgency already packed his stuff.

"Krist, it's me." It was Godt's voice. It seemed Godt took the phone from Bas because his brother panicked and could only cry. "Cooper get admitted to the hospital. He got a high fever and won't wake up. We're here right now. You think can come now?"

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