Chapter 16 - Heart Beat

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WARNING! Not Beta-ed and proofed yet. WORDS COUNT 4332

Here is Peraya Moment for You all~ :)

The driver stopped the car in front of an apartment building. He then quickly got off to open the back door.

"Would you like me to help you, sir?" He asked when the young master get off too.

"Yes. Please help me put him on my back," The young master answered while tried to put an unconscious beautiful young man onto his back.

"I can carry him for you, sir,"

"No. I will carry him myself," The driver obligated and helped his young master to put the man on his back to piggyback ride him. He carried his master's belongings and then ran to informed the security of his master's arrival. The security opened up the front glass door.

They walked quickly to the elevator and the driver pressed the eighth-floor button. On the way up, the driver questioned in his head whether he ever saw the young man on his master back before or not. The young master seemed quite fond of the man as he repeatedly caressed the man's head and face which hanged on his master's shoulder softly. Even on the way here to the apartment, the young master wouldn't stop to told him to go more quickly while ensuring that the young man was safe and warm.

The elevator dinged. They arrived at the eighth floor where his young master lives. He had been here a few times before but he always amazed at how extravagant and beautiful it is. Well, all the eight floor in this building was his young master's penthouse apartment. It was a gift for the high school graduation from the old master.

When they walked into the penthouse, the head butler already waited. He took the belongings from the driver's hand and told him to go back. The driver bowed and left the place after glancing towards the still no movement beauty man.

"Have you called the doctor?" The young master asked.

"Yes, sir,"

Singto saw the doctor and a nurse sat in the living room, already waited for them. Singto motioned them to follow him to the bedroom. When he got in, he eagerly walked to the bed and slowly put down Krist on the bed gently with the help of his butler.

Singto sighed when he finally felt the weight left him. He said Krist already lost a few pounds didn't mean Krist wasn't heavy at all.

The doctor immediately examined Krist. The nurse measured his temperature and counted the rise and fall of his breaths. After three minutes, the doctor finally turned to agitated Singto and smiled sadly.

"Anemia, undernourished, sleep deprived, fatigue, and early symptoms of a cold. But it's nothing serious," he said. Singto sighed in relief.

"I will inject him with some immune boosters and gave him an IV line of vitamins. He will be better soon, you don't have to worry. But I will draw some blood from him to get it examined in the lab," the doctor added.

"Thank you,"

"Yes. If you need, the nurse will stay here to help you taking care of him,"

"No, it's okay. I will do it myself,"

The doctor nodded. He then put the IV in Krist's hand. Singto walked out of the room to the kitchen, letting the doctor and the nurse doing their jobs. He took a glass of water for himself before gulped it down eagerly.

"That young man...," the butler who followed him asked. Singto pulled a chair at the dining table and sat on it.

"A junior in my faculty," he answered shortly. The butler then just nodded, knowing that his young master didn't want to be asked further.

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