Chapter 17 - Again

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Singto tried to drive the car at high speed but even if it still seven o'clock, this is Bangkok, traffic jam everywhere. He cursed loudly. He glanced at Krist who sat beside him. The expression on his face was still same like the first time he heard the news, shocked. He paled soon and almost fell down because his feet got weakened suddenly.

Singto caressed Krist's head lightly, try to get the attention of the man but still, Krist just aimlessly stared at nothing.

"He will be okay," Singto said for the nth time but he wasn't sure Krist have heard him.

He took his phone and call the hospital. Sometimes being influential family was handy. He called the hospital director and asked for intensive and best service available for Cooper. He asked for the best pediatrician available. This piqued Krist's attention.

"P'... what are you doing?" He asked with trembling voice.

"It's okay. Everything's going to be alright,"

"P'... I don't... I don't have any money..," Singto could see Krist's eyes watering and getting redder.

"It's okay. I take care of it,"


"Krist, let's focus on Cooper recovery only, okay? It's emergency. I know you won't accept my help but I insist. We don't want something bad happened, right?"

Krist wanted to counter those statements but he couldn't. Singto was right. What matter now was Cooper's condition. His baby brother.

Singto drove again as the traffic lessened. He cursed again. He wondered if it was the time to buy any helicopter for any emergencies like this.

Krist pulled his own hair in frustration. Why did everything happen at the same time? Why God did this to him and his family? A tear rolled down. He sobbed. A guilty feeling attacked him. He wasn't a good brother, was he?

Singto wiped the tears that start to fall one by one in Krist's cheeks. He had to drove at the same time so he cursed why he wasn't ordered one of his drivers to standby. If he did, he could embrace Krist right now and coaxed him.

He wouldn't ask Krist to stop crying. He wanted him to pour out all the stress he hid all these times. Krist sobbed and bit his own lip to hold it. He despised looked so fragile in front of Singto.

They arrived about twenty minutes later. Singto had to hold Krist as the latter staggering, still weak because of the shock. They walked into the hospital where strangely Earth already waited for them in front of the door. Krist wondered but his head was full of Cooper so couldn't think straight.

Krist wiped the last tear and coughed a bit, hoped it will lessen his shock state. He wouldn't want Bas to see him like this. Earth led them without speaking any words. Even Singto got confused why he was there.

"The fever started last night," Earth finally spoke. "Apparently Bas want to take care the child himself so he forbid your friend to bring Cooper to the hospital. Hope you won't angry at him,"

Angry? How can he angry when he was the one who should be blamed. Once again he neglects his brothers, having fun with Singto's presence. He should have gone back home last night, not spending the night at Singto's home.

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