Chapter 11 - The First Kiss

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This chapter need a lot of time to be edited. I can't convey the feeling well and I will edit this again later. I don't like this chapter. But first I let this story go on. Happy reading. The next update will be next week. See you :)

Krist going through all the messages that Singto had sent to him right after he got home and took a nice bath. He was now lying on the mattress, besides his brothers who already fell asleep. Godt was just taking a bath now. Godt gets scolded by Bas and forced to wash his own clothes. Krist could only smile as Bas would glare at him when he tried to help.

He didn't read all the messages before because when he read it, he got depressed because he missed Singto so much.

[10th October, 02.43 PM]
Nong... Please talk to me...

That was the fourth message that Singto sent him after that event in the cafeteria. He smiled sadly reading it.

[10th October, 10.03 PM]
What r u doing? Is it alright to call you right now? I want to explain it all...

[11th October, 09.15 AM]
Please talk to me...

[12th October, 07.20 PM]
She really is my fiancee but I was forced. I'm sorry for all she had done to you. I already talked to her like you wanted me to.

[12th October, 10.00 PM]
Are you having class right now? I'm waiting for you outside your class...

[13th October, 02.17 AM]
I miss you...

[13th October, 02.56 AM]

[14th October, 04.18 PM]
She won't come near you again. I won't let her. So, please... Don't ignore me...

[15th October, 07.43 AM]
I'm at the park where you usually play with you brother. If you have nothing to do, please meet me...

[15th October, 02.43 PM]
What should I do to make you talk to me again? It's really hard, Nong... I really want to meet you...

Krist wondered how he could ignore Singto after reread all the messages. Just read a few of it made him miss the senior more. He typed a message:

I'm sorry for just replying now
How are you? I'm sorry for avoiding and ignoring you. I miss you too...
Let's not talk about what happened that day okay?
[Delivered, 10.47 PM]

His phone rang right away after the message read by Singto. Krist startled and quickly covered up the phone with his hand and ran outside the room to pick it up, afraid to wake up his brothers.

"Hello...," He said softly. He could hear his own voice trembled. His heart was thumping hard.

"Nong...," Krist could hear Singto's voice was spoken in relief. Krist blushed. He sat at the chair in dining table slowly.

"Krub P'...,"

"You really forgive me?"

"I should be the one who said sorry because I ignored you,"

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