Chapter 8 - Quarreling

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This chapter might be a little bit boring.

"P'Sing...," Krist said inaudibly. Singto smiled to him and walked towards him. Krist didn't know why he felt guilty so he just stared at Singto, observing his expression changes carefully.

"You're done?" Singto asked Krist in a sweet tone of voice like he usually used when he talks to Krist.


"I called you but you wouldn't pick up," Singto said again. Krist could hear a little disappointment in his voice. Krist stared at Singto's face. He couldn't say anything. He should have come out from the back door.

"Are you hungry? I bought you Krispy Kreme. Come on, let's eat it while I took you to work," Singto said again. Krist blinked his eyes. Singto acted like Krist didn't just ignore him. Singto didn't wait for Krist's answer. He took Krist's hand a pulled him gently. Krist awakened from his shock and pulled his hand from Singto's grip.


Singto stared him with slightly widened eyes. He didn't expect that Krist would resist.

"I...," Krist wanted to say that he didn't want Singto to drove him again, but he felt it was so hard to utter it without Singto felt offended.

Singto took a glance at his own hand that touched Krist's hand before. He could still feel Krist's skin in his palm. He looked back at Krist and then smiled.

"What? Do you need to go somewhere before going to work? You don't need to hesitate. I will take you wherever it is,"


How to rejects him? Krist thought.

"Ehm... Are you gonna go with him? It's okay I could just go by taxi," Godt said suddenly, interfered the two. He was staying idle for two minutes when he thought that Krist and Singto would have some problems to be discussed. But he couldn't wait long because he has an appointment with a friend.

Singto diverted his eyes to Godt who stood behind Krist. He didn't notice the man before but after took a good look, he noticed that this man was quite handsome and tall.

"Oh, no! I'm going to go with you... Let's go together," Krist said to Godt

"Your friend?" Singto asked. Krist stared at Singto again. He slowly took a breath to calm his thumping heart.

"He's the new worker at the restaurant, P'. He comes from Pattaya and didn't know what bus route should he take so I'm going to go with him, P'.,"

"It's okay. I can gift him a lift too,"

"But he wanted to know the routes because he will use bus frequently and... Oh! I'm going to show him a few cheap flats to live in! Right, Godt?"

"What? Oh... Yeah," Godt was surprised that he was brought to the conversation.

"So, P'Sing... You... don't have to drove me around too. From now on I'm going to go by bus like before," Krist said softly. He bit his lower lip nervously, didn't dare to stare at Singto. Sometimes Singto could express his emotions through his eyes and Krist couldn't resist if he saw any pleading in the eyes.

Singto frowned and looked at Krist in confusion. The junior wouldn't want to stare at his eyes directly now.

Krist bid a goodbye and started walking away. But after a few steps, he could feel his wrist was being pulled. He turned and saw Singto looked at him in confusion.

"Are you okay?" Asked Singto with a softer voice. He walked a step closer to Krist.

"I... I'm fine,"

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