Chapter 7 - A Different Feeling

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Here is your longer chapter :)
Words count 7141

"How's your date, yesterday?" Off asked loudly on the next day. All the people in their class turned their heads towards Krist curiously. Krist just rolled his eyes. What a good thing to start my day, he thought.

"It's not a date,"

"How could it not? Bas text me asking what the hell happened to his brother after saw you home with red face,"

"What?! He texted you?!"

"Don't be surprised. He just asks because he's worried and you wouldn't answer his questions,"

Krist glared at Off while pulled out his books from the bag, getting ready for the class.

"Come on! Tell me! Maybe I can give you some advice,"

"Well, it's really nothing. He just took me and picked me up to and from my workplaces,"

"Your workplaces? The restaurant and bakery? Why? I thought you both are having lunch,"

"I have jobs to do and I reject him but then he insisted to drive me to the restaurant,"

"Wow! And what happened?!"

Krist rolled his eyes again. His mouth made 'tsk' sounds.

"I don't really understand it too! He drove me to the restaurant, then we eat there together. Then he went, I'm working, but when I finished he was there waiting for me. He took me to the bakery and drop me there and back again to picking me up and drove me home. It's really nothing special, okay?"

"Wow... He acted like he is your boyfriend,"

"OMG! Sh*t Off! He's not! Stop assuming something!"

"Then what was it that made you blushed? Bas told me you won't say anything when he asked,"

"Off, did you say anything to Bas?"

"Well, I just said you've met your Future boyfriend,"

"Sh*t! Just die, you!" Krist hit Off repeatedly by the books. Off just laughed.

"Hahaha, of course, I don't say anything, I just kidding,"

"Don't you talk to me again!"

Off couldn't stop laughing. Krist glared at him. He was this close to hitting Off again. This friend of his always found it was amusing to make fun of him.

Actually, there were somethings he didn't tell to Off about yesterday. When Singto had picked him up from the bakery, Krist gave Singto some cakes as a gratitude for drove him around that day. Singto was glad but he told Krist not to do that again because he really sincerely doing that because he wanted to. And funnily, Singto worried about Krist didn't have any dinner so he bought him a big box of Pizza. Krist couldn't stop saying thanks for the senior who was really kind to him.

On the way home, it was rather a comfortable atmosphere had created than before in the car. Singto had made some jokes but Krist didn't really catch that as it was not really funny. Krist laughed at Singto's attempt because the older really thought the jokes were funny and he confused why Krist didn't laugh. They had talked about many things as which high school Krist has graduated from, how many brothers they have, until their favorite foods. Krist had enjoyed the talk that he was not aware that he had arrived. He had said thanks again for the nth times before getting off. But then Singto hold his hand while smiled at him. He then gave Krist the sunflowers which the latter left on Singto's car before. The sunflowers now tied in a bouquet and were added with some roses with it. Krist remembered again Singto's words and blushed.

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