Author's Note

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It will be a long rambling so I won't including it in the end of chapter like I always do. You don't have to read it because it's not that important.
I just want to inform somethings regarding this fanfic.

1. I always said in fic 'Krist's apartment'. I don't know much about apartment in Bangkok because obviously I'm not Thai and I have never been there before. So I hope you won't imagined the apartment is an extravagant one because what I mean apartment in this fic is more like a flats type. Like the one with old building and cheap rent cost. I'm going to describe it in later chapter when Singto visit the apartment.

2. I don't know the route or places or any culture in Thai. I just used reference from google and I know it's not accurate. So please treat this as really just fiction. Don't think too much like 'does Siam really that near?' or 'why go to Silom road after that?' and etc. Just enjoy the story :)

3. I knew that a few of you didn't like Godt as the third wheel. As much as I love Peraya, I really need a drama in this fiction so that I need a third person. HE WON'T MADE THEM BOTH SUFFERED. Because he would be the one who suffers in the end. I won't use Gun because he's too cute for Krist. If you don't like Godt just don't read it.

4. I decided to make this Book 1 in up to 20 chapters. And it will be a trilogy.

5. If you got notification that I updated the former chapters, means I edited it just because I found something that made me unsatisfied. You don't have to read the chapter again because it won't affect the whole story. The edited are non major things.

6. The 'Characters Profile' will be updated regularly as there will be more new characters in the upcoming chapters.

7. Once again I thank you for reading. I really loves all the feedbacks and let's pray I can finished this fic satisfyingly.

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