Chapter 2

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"Wh-what did you say?", I stutter.

"I'll tell you the whole story, it's really horrible to be honest", the boy next to Calum says, Jason I think. He gulps as he starts to tell the story,

"It happened like half a year ago, she was home alone. A man broke into the house, apparently he didn't plan on.. raping her, he just wanted money. However, I don't know why or how but he raped her.. people say that's not all but we don't really know. Anyway, when her neighbour came home he saw the broken window and called the cops. When he noticed she was in there he ran inside.. but the man had a gun. He shot and.. well, he didn't die, but he's in coma. The man got arrested but Ariana had to see everything and well, I don't think it was a nice experience. She never talked again after that.. she's always been the popular girl, lots of boys chasing after her, lots of friends.. she didn't come to school for a whole month after that, her friends went to visit her but after a while her mum told them to not come again.. Ariana wants to be alone.. I mean always alone. In school she decided to sit alone in the back in every class and as soon as someone tried to sit next to her she stood up and took another seat. I'm not sure but I think she's scared of us.. of everyone. I can't blame her to be honest, we don't know the whole story but even the bits we know make us shiver. Everyone gave up trying to talk to her after a while, not because no one cares anymore, but because she obviously wants to be alone.. it's sad, really, I never thought something like this could happen.."

His voice got lower with every sentence, I can see that all of them still can't believe what happened.

I gulp. "That's.. I don't have words for this to be honest", I say.

"You should've seen her before that happened", a girl with red hair says and smiles sadly. "She was one of my best friends, always there for me. She was such a lovely girl, I hate that man for doing this to her."

I sigh. I knew there was something special about her, I just didn't think it's like that.

"She didn't stand up and walk away from me", I suddenly remember. I look at the others confused. "Didn't you say she doesn't let anyone sit next to her?"

Calum furrows his eyesbrows. "That's weird.. Tell me if she sits down somewhere else tomorrow okay?" I nod.

Somehow nodding seems like the only thing I'm doing today, I'm just awkward, like Barbie said.

"If I wasn't such an awkward guy I would've talked to her", I admit. "Guess it's good I didn't.. The girl I wanna talk to, doesn't talk to me and the girl I don't wanna talk to, talks to me", I laugh.

"Who are you talking about?", Calum grins. "Barbie.. I forgot her real name but she looks a hella lot like Barbie", I say.

"Stacy", a few guys around me say in union and laugh. "Yes, I think that's her name", I grin.

"It can only be Stacy, she totally looks like Barbie and she definitely has a thing for boys like you", the red-head says giggling. "Boys like me?" "Blonde, blue eyes, tall, pretty face.. c'mon isn't that kinda what every girl likes?", she replies.

Is it?

"Thanks?", I ask and she giggles again. Thank god it isn't an annoying giggle like Stacy's, it's a nice one.

"Well, I need to go now. Time for Math", Calum says while rolling his eyes. "Oh, same", I quickly say and follow him. Thank god, at least I already know someone in Math class.

We reach the classroom and he walks over to a blonde guy with pierced eyebrows. "I'll sit down over there with Luke, okay?", Calum tells him and points over to me. The guy nods and and tells another boy to sit down next to him.

I'm really glad Calum wants to sit next to me, I feel like we're going to be good friends.

We sit down and a black haired girl leans over to Calum and whispers something into his ear. I guess she's talking about me since she keeps glancing at me.

Yes I'm new, problem?

"Why the hell do you think I know that?", he whispers back.. okay, you can't say he's whispering, let's say he tries to whisper.

"He just moved here so I guess not", he continues. She smirks and leans over to her friend, just to start whispering again.

Great, just whisper about me, it's not like it's obvious.

Calum turns back to me and chuckles. "Do you get a lot of female attention in Australia or are they used to it because you all look like this?", he grins.

What is he even talking about?

"I don't know..", I answer, I mean what else am I supposed to answer?

"You don't even know how much girls are talking about you", Calum laughs. "Talking about me? Why?"

That's confusing, what's so special about me?

"C'mon, pretty boy, you know why", he winks and laughs.

I obviously don't know why, but it's better to let it go, I guess.

At that moment the teacher, a bald middle aged man, enters the room and I'm relieved that I need to think about Math now instead of the girls' and Calum's weird behaviour.


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