Chapter 48

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Songs for this chapter

Clouds - One Direction

Centuries - Fall Out Boy


"You like it?", I ask relieved as she throws her arms around my neck.

"It's amazing", she tells me and I kiss her head. "Just see it as a promise that I won't ever let you go", I say and she pulls away.

"How do I deserve you?", she asks before burying her face in my neck. "I don't get it."

"I don't know how I deserve you", I mumble and take the necklace out of her hand.

"Turn around", I say and she does what she's been told. I put the necklace around her neck, which takes me some time and makes her laugh.

I wrap my arms around her waist from behind and we stay like this for minutes or hours, I lose count of time.

Eventually she shudders a bit and since I don't have a jacket with me we decide to walk back inside.

We bump into Carly who totally freaks out over the necklace while I uncomfortably shift on my feet. This is so awkward.

"Didn't you promise me to not buy anything expensive?", Ariana rememberes as soon as Carly's gone. "I might have lied a bit", I grin.

A little bit later Michael comes over and grins at us. "A necklace, yeah?", he smirks.

"I could've sworn it'll be an engagement ring."

He leans a little bit closer to Ariana and I hear him say, "But don't worry, that's probably soon to come."



People start counting.


I pull Ariana closer.


The new year is so close and I feel like it'll be the best year of my life.


I have Ariana, the best thing that's ever happened to me.


She's mine and I won't let anyone change that.


She belongs to me and I belong to her.

"Four..", she mumbles into my ear and grins.

"Three..", I reply.


Everyone's becoming louder and the first fireworks go off.


This year will be my year.

"Happy new year!", Ariana and I shout from the top of our lungs before I crash my lips onto hers.

I've never had a New Year's kiss before and I'm glad Ariana's the one to share my first one with me.

"Let's hope this year will be a better one for me", Ariana mumbles as she pulls away.

"But you're here, so I'm sure it will be amazing", she smiles and I kiss her cheek.

"Do you want a drink?", I ask and she nods. I leave her behind at the large window, looking for the bar.

As I walk back with two drinks in my hands I spot a few familiar faces, including Carly and Calum.

I smile at my friends and they wave at me.

I would've never guessed that I will enjoy America this much. I still miss Australia but home is where my heart is, therefore my home is wherever Ariana is.

As I hand her one of the drinks I notice her expression has changed. "Are you okay?", I ask worried as she takes a tiny little sip.

She fakes a smile and nods but I know her too well. She isn't okay. What happened while I was away?

"Babe, what's wrong?", I try again but she just shakes her head. "I'm fine, just tired."

Her eyes are dark and her face is even paler than usually, maybe she got sick over something?

"You don't look like you're feeling all too well, maybe you shouldn't drink", I say and reach out for the cup but she jerks her hand away, nearly spilling the bubbly liquid over her purple dress.

"I need this right now", she tells me and looks out of the window.

"Did I do anything wrong?", I ask unsure. I didn't do anything, did I?

"No, no", she says, her gaze softening. "Sorry." She kisses my cheek and takes my hand. Hers is cold and my concern's growing with every second.

A few minutes of silence later I really need to go to the toilet. But can I leave her alone?

"Ariana, I need to pee", I say and she laughs. "I'll wait here, just go", she smiles and I nod.

"I'll be right back, princess", I tell her and kiss her forehead before I make my way through the crowded room.

Mum and dad said everyone's going to this party and now I know they were right. Literally everyone is here, I wouldn't be surprised if Obama popped up beside me.

I groan as I notice the short queue in front of the toilets and stop behind a grey haired man.

He turns around for a second and gives me a weird look, then he turns away again.

Friendly person.

I find myself staring at random people, like the woman who's desperately trying to get a man's attention.

She laughs at his bad jokes, dances in front of him and keeps trying to talk to him but someone should tell her she's making a fool out of herself.

Finally it's the grey haired man's turn and I sigh in relief. 

A couple of minutes later he steps outside and his grey eyes stare blankly at me until I realize I'm blocking his way.

Can't he fucking talk?

I step aside and he walks past me, not without bumping his shoulder against mine.

What a dick.

As I come out of the bathroom Ariana is already waiting for me.

"You alright?", she asks and smiles. Why wouldn't I be? "Yeah", I reply and she kisses my cheek.

"Then let's go have fun. This year's supposed to be a good one and today's the first day. Let's have a good start."

And with those words she drags me onto the dance floor, annoying everyone around us as we start jumping around.


Cheesy, cheesy

Hope you enjoyed this chapter more than I did, thanks for reading!

If anyone's bored out (like I am) don't worry and don't stop reading because I'm personally looking forward to Chapter 50 and I hope you are too now ;)

Love you guys, bye! :) xxx

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