Chapter 50

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Songs for this chapter

Towers - Little Mix

If you don't know - 5 Seconds Of Summer


"Luke get off your phone", Calum says and nudges me with his elbow.

I hang up and sigh. "What's wrong?", Harry asks and takes a bite of his sandwich.

"Ariana won't answer any of my calls or texts", I mumble as I send another message, telling her to call me back. Where is she?

"She's probably ill", Harry shrugs. "No, she'd tell me if she was", I reply and Calum rolls his eyes.

"Of course, we should've known", he mocks me. "Shut up", I say and dial Ariana's number again.

"Don't be so clingy", Calum sighs and I glare at him. "I'm just worried, okay?", I snap.

He doesn't get this, he doesn't have to worry about his girfriend getting raped by a fucking creep.

"Woah, okay", Calum raises his hands in defeat as I end the call.

"Someone's on his period", Harry chuckles and I glare at him. If they only knew half of the shit I know they'd understand why I'm freaking out.

I text her again while Calum and Harry start talking about Calum's stupid party this weekend.

I like his parties but right now I really couldn't care less. Don't they see how fucking worried I am?

"I'm gonna go look if she's okay", I say and stand up. "Bro, you have school. You can't just leave", Harry tells me but I ignore it.

"See you later", I tell him and Calum and walk off.

"Luke, just stay here, man. It's not like she's been missing for ages!", Calum appears next to me.

"You don't get it, do you? If I don't hear from her for a day it is like she's been missing for ages", I say as I make my way out of the cafeteria.

"Like I said, you're clingy", Calum shrugs and I walk a little bit faster to get rid of him.

"Can you stop for a second?", he groans as he catches up again and pulls me back. "You two are in love, I get it, but that doesn't mean you always need to be around each other."

"Calum, I'm just worried about her okay?", I say annoyed and he nods. "I know you are but you don't need to be, you're overreacting", he tells me.

"I'm not!", I snap. "Remember what happened last year?!"

"Calm the fuck down", he furrows his eyebrows and shakes his head. "Just because something like that happened once it doesn't mean you always need to take care of her."

"To me it means exactly that", I tell him and he sighs.

"Fine. I don't wanna argue with you, I just don't want you two to become this annoying couple who doesn't even see their friends anymore because they're always together."

"We won't", I promise. "I'm just worried because I haven't heard of her in a day and that never happens."

With those words I finally leave the building and make my way to Ariana's house.

I feel a lump forming in my throat as I leave the school behind. What if the creep is really there? What am I going to do? I haven't thought this through.

Maybe I should call the police.. No. I'm sure everything's fine.

I take a deep breath as my steps become faster. I try to call her again but she still doesn't pick up. I'm sure I've called her about a hundred times already.

I try to find a good explanation why she won't answer any of my calls or texts but there just doesn't seem to be one.

The only thing I can think of is that something happened to her.

My heart seems to beat faster with every second and I try to stop panicking but it just doesn't work.

But her parents are home, aren't they? I'm sure she's alright.. unless something happened to them as well.

Stop, Luke. They're all totally fine. No need to freak out.

My hands become sweaty as I see her house in the distance.

Maybe she's just ill and has been sleeping all day. Yes, I'm sure that's it. Don't worry, Luke. She's just a bit sick and will feel better soon.

I walk a little bit faster and soon reach the big house. I take one more breath and ring the bell.

After a few seconds I start to rock back and forth on my feet. I really need to force myself to not ring over and over again.

A couple of minutes later Ariana still hasn't opened and I give the bell another try.

Finally, after what seems like a whole century the door opens slowly to reveal a pale Ariana.

For a second she just stares at me with bloodshot eyes, then disgust takes over her face.

What's going on?

Before I can ask her what's wrong she opens her mouth.

"Fuck off", she spits while making an attempt to shut the door.

"What?", I ask in shock but she tries to slam the door in response.

Luckily I'm quick - and strong - enough to stop the door from closing and push it back open.

"Ariana, what-", I begin but she cuts me off. "Didn't you hear me? I said fuck off!"

I'm dreaming. This must be a dream. What did I do? What happened?

"I'm not leaving until you tell me what's wrong", I say as I reach for her hand but she jerks it away.

"Really?", she laughs dryly. "Really, Luke? When will you stop this?"

"Stop what?", I ask confused.

She doesn't answer my question, instead she furiously wipes away the tears that are streaming down her face. Since when is she crying?

"Ariana, what are you talking-" "When will you stop lying?", she raises her voice. "When will you stop acting?"

I literally feel my heart drop.

"You know what, Luke? You're a good actor but you need to put on this show somewhere else now", her voice cracks.

"I'm not-"

"You really thought I wouldn't find it out, didn't you? How stupid do you think I am?!", she yells.

"And who the fuck do you think you are to make a deal with my cousin about pretending to love me?!"


Drama time. *jazz hands*

So the evil person I am enjoyed writing this chapter and if you guys aren't shocked now I did something wrong lol

Well, thanks for reading and please vote and comment!

Love you guys :) xxx

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