Chapter 28

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Anyway here's another chapter and the songs are

Little Things - One Direction

Could This Be Love - The Wanted



"I'm here! Ariana, I'm here." I switch on the light and sit down next to her on my bed. She sits up and hugs me tightly.

I feel a shiver running down my spine.

"You.. you alright?", I stutter and she nods before she furrows her eyebrows. "And what about you?" "Of course I am! Why not?", I reply a little bit too quick.

"Luke, what's wrong?", Ariana asks worried. I pull away and shake my head. "Nothing. Don't worry. I'm alright." I can tell she doesn't believe me but I can't even explain to myself what's wrong so how on earth am I supposed to explain it to her?

Oh you know, I just suddenly feel really awkward around you and you flutter my heart, the usual. Exactly how best friends act around each other. That's all.

I roll my eyes at myself and Ariana looks at me even more confused. Get your fucking shit together, Luke!

"I'm sorry for acting weird, I'm okay", I tell Ariana and she grins a bit. "You're not only acting weird, you are weird", she tells me. "But that's nothing new", she adds and winks.

"Don't be so cheeky", I laugh. It's awkward joking around like this, a week ago it seemed like the most normal thing but now..

"You like it when I'm cheeky, don't even lie", she pouts and we both laugh. "Stop flirting", I wink and she giggles. "You wish."

Well, yes, I do. Luke, what?!

"You wish I wished", I reply and she laughs. "You wish I wished you wished", she says and I burst into laughter. "That's too complicated for me!" Oh shit, the last time I said that I nearly kissed her.

She also seems to remember and quickly changes the topic. "I miss my penguin", she grins. "Okay this might sound gay but I have one as well so..", I say and she laughs. "Seriously? Oh god, Luke", she giggles. "Don't laugh at me! Normal girls would say that's cute!", I grin.

"I'm not a normal girl, we both know that", she winks and I nod in agreement. She isn't. She's better than anyone else.

"But Stacy would for sure think it's cute", Ariana grins. "Don't talk about her", I moan and she laughs. "Oh Luke, you don't even have a reason to hate her. At least not yet", she says and her smile fades.

"You do?", I ask and she nods. "What happened?" "It's a long story", she frowns. "I have time." She smiles a bit before she begins the story.

"Shortly after my 15th birthday I had a boyfriend. His name was Ryan and he was a footballer. Let's say he was pretty hot", she winks and I nudge her with my elbow. "Back to the story!", I tell her and she grins.

"Well, okay. We were together for about half a year but we'll come to our breakup later. At the same time Ashton had a girlfriend.. called Stacy."

I gasp. "Ashton and Barbie?", I ask surprised. "Yes. I was never very fond of her but it was his choice anyway.

So we all hung out from time to time and well it didn't end like we planned it. After half a year I found out Ryan cheated on me. Not only once.

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