Chapter 24

6.9K 314 112

Songs for this chapter

Robbers - The 1975

Boom Clap - Charli XCX

Replace your heart - The Wanted


"Oh my fucking god, Ariana!", I yell as I storm inside.

Her head snaps up and she looks at me in shock. Her jaw drops and her eyes widen, her small fingers are still holding the blade.

I quickly make my way over to her bed and grab the blade. I feel it cutting into my finger but I don't even care.

Ariana doesn't move, she just stares at me, obviously still shocked.

"Why did you do that?!", I yell while I feel my heart racing.

She lets out a breath, at still she's still alive. I already thought she forgot how to breathe.

"Ariana, I thought you were clean for about three weeks now! You were doing so well!", I say in frustration.

Her eyes widen even more at the mention of her being clean for three weeks and she backs away a bit.

Fuck, I forgot I'm not supposed to know that. She told me that last weekend.

"I mean.. I..", I begin but I can't think of an excuse. "I check your wrist when you're asleep.. sorry for that", I mumble and hope she's buying it.

She gulps and a single tear drops onto my arm, which's holding hers. She slowly looks down at her wrist and shakes her head while more and more tears roll down her pale cheeks. She lets go of the blade and I quickly throw it over my shoulder.

"Ariana..", I whisper and pull her into a hug. "I'm so so sorry! It's my fault, isn't it?", I mumble into her hair. She doesn't make any noise, nor does she move. I grab her wrist and notice it's still bleeding. Shit.

"We need to stop it", I say and look around. I can't just leave her in here and look for a towel or something. Ariana looks at the blood and I feel like she's getting even paler.

Fuck this.

I pull my shirt over my head and quickly wrap it around her wrist. She flinches and looks at me with big eyes. "We need to stop it from bleeding", I say.

She glances at my bare torso and softly touches my chest with her fingers. I look down and notice I'm having goosebumps. She looks at me worried and tries to remove my shirt from her wrist but I stop her. "It's okay, I'm just shocked. I'm not cold, don't worry." She smiles a bit and I sigh.

"Even if I was freezing, I'd deserve it..", I say and my voice cracks. She quickly shakes her head and rubs her hand over my arm. "I do!", I tell her and gulp. "I'm so sorry for what happened earlier! I was drunk, you probably could tell. I didn't mean anything I said! You looked great, you always do, I can't think of a more beautiful girl! And you're not a slut, hell, you're far away from that! And I'm so sorry for waking you and talking to you like something happened, you were probably worried and came to my house as quickly as possible and who opened the door? A drunk fuck-up. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me", I sob.

Great, now I'm starting to cry. The last time I cried was when I was like 13.

She nods and lies her head onto my shoulder, rubbing my back comforting. This is totally wrong, I should be the one comforting her.

"I'm the worst friend ever", I sigh and she looks up, shaking her head. "Ariana I made you cut yourself..", I sniff. She shakes her head again, even though we both know I'm right.

"This needs to stop.. how do I get you to not ever cut again?", I ask and she shrugs sadly. "Do I.. do I mean something to you?", I ask slowly. She nods and looks at me confused. "A lot?", I keep questioning. She nods again and I sigh.

"Fine. Then here's the deal: You cut. I cut."

She gasps and her eyes widen. For a second she seems to be frozen, then she quickly shakes her head and grabs my arm. Her nails dig into my skin and she gulps as she keeps shaking her head. "Oh yes", I tell her and stand up.

My heart's racing and I feel like I could vomit but this is the only way out. I pick up the blade and look over at her. She stares at me, I don't think she's still breathing.

Alright Luke, do it.

I take a deep breath and cut into my skin.

"Shit", I curse under my breath. That hurt. Ariana lets out a scream and tries to get over to me as fast as possible. She crawls out of her bed and trips over, then she reaches me and grabs my wrist. She stares at it with her eyes wide open and breathes heavily.

"Remember. You cut. I cut.", I say and bite my lip. That cut's deep. Fuck. Why do people do this?

I notice Ariana staring at me. Her eyes are glossy and she's pale as fuck again. "Do it for me", I whisper and she nods, a tear rolling down her cheek.

Hell, this feels like a movie, we both act like I'm about to die. Get your shit together, Luke.

"It's just a little bit of blood, stop crying", I say and smile. She sniffs and removes my shirt from her wrist. She presses it onto my cut, even though there's not even nearly as much blood as on hers.

"No, you keep that", I say and she smiles at me weakly while I wrap it around her skinny arm again. Sometimes I'm scared I'll break her bones as soon as I touch her, she's so tiny.

I sigh. "I promise, I won't ever hurt you again", I mumble and pull her into a hug again. She hugs me back and buries her head into my chest.

"Do you want me to stay the night?", I ask and she looks up before she nods. "Alright. Then let's have dinner and forget about what happened?", I suggest and she nods again.

"You know that you forgive too easily, yeah?", I sigh as I stand up. She looks at the floor, then she looks up again and smiles. I smile back even though I'd prefer to grab her shoulders and scream, "You can't fucking trust me!"

I need to get my shit together, there's no way I'll hurt her again, the deal is officially over.


Wow. I didn't expect I'll reach the 1K votes like 3 hours after I updated yesterday haha but anyway


Thank you all so much, hope you enjoyed this chapter, don't hate me please, it killed me writing the part where Luke cut himself :(

Next chapter is up as soon as this one reaches 18 votes and 18 comments :)

Love you guys, thanks again :)

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