Chapter 15

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Songs for this chapter

Amnesia - 5 Seconds of Summer (holy shit how amazing is it?! I've been crying since it's out)

Irresistible - One Direction

Heart Vacancy - The Wanted


I jump out of the bed and nearly trip over while looking for the light switch.

As soon as I turn it on I find Ariana sitting on the bed, her back pressed against the wall. She looks at me with wide eyes before sighing in relief.

"Luke.. I thought.. I thought it's..", she begins and I quickly pull her into a hug. "It's just me. I'll always be here to take care of you", I say and stroke over her hair. "Thank you. Thank you for everything", she mumbles and I smile. "You mean too much to me, I'd never let anything happen to you", I say and she pulls away, looking at me with sad eyes.

"I believe you.. but what if he hurts you?", she asks, her eyes filling with tears. "I already told you he won't! Nothing will happen to any of us. You're safe", I try to convince her, even though I don't even believe it myself.

"I always had nightmares after the day they came to my house", she whispers and looks at the ground. "But since I met you they got ten times worse."

What? Why?

She looks up again and whispers, "You are the most important person in my life, Luke." I gasp. "What?!" "Luke isn't it obvious? You're my best friend and do I ever let anyone nearly as close as you to me?", she says and smiles a bit. "No..", I reply. "But what about your family? Or your old friends? What about your mum? What about your dad? What about Michael? What about your neighbour?", I ask. Ariana winces. "I'm sorry, I..", I begin but she cuts me off. "Don't worry. Just.. don't mention him again. Please", she begs while trying to hold back the tears.

I should've known. Why did you talk about him, Luke? She's clearly traumatized, can't you shut up for once?

"I won't. I'm so sorry", I tell her and she tries to smile.She's so strong, way stronger than you'd think.

"Luke, I.. I need to pee", she says and giggles embarrassed. "Oh sure", I say but she doesn't make any attempt to get up. "But I'm scared.."


"I'll go with you and wait in front of the door, okay? No one will be able to come inside", I tell her and she nods thankfully. I stand up."Let's go."

She follows me out of her room to the bathroom and gets inside after checking if she's alone in there. It hurts to see her like this. So scared.

"Luke?", she calls from inside. "Yeah?" "Talk to me please. I need to hear your voice. I need to know you're still there." "I'm still here, princess. Don't worry. We're alone, I promise. And if someone tries to come inside I'll personally kick his ass", I say and she giggles.

Seconds later the toilet flushes. "You pee fast", I stat and she giggles again. "Didn't think girls can pee that fast." The door opens and Ariana throws a towel into my face, still giggling. "Jerk", she laughs and picks up the towel. "Hey! I think I like the quiet Ariana better, at least she doesn't insult me", I grin and she slaps my head laughing.

We go back into her room and sit down on her bed again. "Is everything alright again?", I ask and she nods smiling. "So what did you dream?", I ask and her smile faints.

She cuddles up to me and whispers, "I dreamed that he hurt you while I was gone today. I dreamed that.. when I came back you were lying on the ground.. blood all over your face..", her voice cracks.

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