Chapter 62

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Songs for this chapter

Change my mind - One Direction

I'll be your strength - The Wanted



I turn around to see Mrs. Clifford, who's smiling widely at me. Did I miss something? Shouldn't she stab me for being the biggest idiot in the world?

"Oh.. hi", I say awkwardly as I leave the little clothing shop. Ariana's mum follows me, still smiling.

"How are you, dear?" "Not too good", I reply and look at my feet.

"You guys still haven't figured everything out?" Figured what out?

Mrs. Clifford seems to notice my confused expression and adds, "Ariana told me you two are taking a break because you need to figure out some stuff."

She told her what?

She didn't say that I'm the worst asshole ever? She didn't say that she broke up with me? She didn't say that she hates me?

"Uhm..", I begin. "I don't think she's ready to get back with me.."

"What?", she laughs. "She misses you so much, it's scary! I don't know why you took a break anyway, you were always so happy?", she questions.

Fuck. What do I say?

But.. wait. She misses me?

"Why do you think she misses me?", I ask quietly.

"Are you serious? She hasn't smiled in weeks and everytime we ask her if she misses you she just snaps at us if it isn't obvious", Ariana's mum tells me.

That's not true, is it? She doesn't miss me.. I mean, she hates me.

"Does your break have something to do with Michael?", Mrs. Clifford suddenly asks. My eyes widen and I nervously scratch the back of my neck.

"Why do you think so?", I reply and she sighs. "Ariana hasn't talked to him since the day she told us about your break."

What the fuck am I supposed to tell her now?

"Oh..", I mumble, not sure what else to say. "It's okay if you don't know why she's ignoring him", she shrugs. "Anyway I need to leave now. Hope you'll make things work again. You're good for her."

She gives me one last smile before she disappears into another store.

Ariana should've told her. I don't want her parents to hate me but it's better than them thinking I'm good for their daughter. It's better than them liking me even though I fucked up.

I sigh and try to remember what I even wanted to do before I met Mrs. Clifford. This conversation confused me.

Why does she think Ariana misses me? And why did Ariana tell her we're just taking a break? We're not, right?

She hates me, she broke up with me. She hasn't even looked at me once in school since everything happened.

But why didn't she just tell her parents the truth? What the hell is going on?

I finally remember where I wanted to go and sighing make my way over to the grocery store. Mum's too "busy" to do the shopping on her own.

As I enter the shop I nearly bump into someone. I mumble an excuse and look down at the girl - just to see Lucy staring at me with wide eyes.

Can this day get any worse?

"Oh, hi", I sigh and she crosses her arms. "Hello, Luke", she says coldly.

"How.. How are you?", I ask awkwardly and she laughs dryly. "I was pretty good until I met you."

Oh, how nice.

"Listen", I sigh. "I'm really sorry for what happened."

"Wow, it took you a whole month to say that? Well, I don't need your apologies anymore."

"You don't understand this", I say frustrated. "I never wanted to hurt you, I just-"

"You didn't hurt me, Luke", she laughs. "You're not that important to me."

Well, thanks.

"Good. I mean, not good. But I'm glad I didn't hurt you", I quickly say.

"But I neither wanted to piss you off." "Too late", she rolls her eyes.

"That was a dick move. It was our date and you just scream at me for defending you in front of your ex-girlfriend."

"I'm sorry, okay? But you didn't have to defend me. There's no reason to defend me. I messed up and she left me."

"I wouldn't leave you for one little mistake", Lucy pouts. "It wasn't little", I say, slightly annoyed.

"It was the biggest mistake of my life."

"Sounds like you killed someone", Lucy raises her eyebrows. "That's not what you did, right?"

I notice her slowly taking a step backwards and can't help but laugh.

"No", I grin and she sighs in relief. "Good, because it sounded like that. I'd say, you're either melodramatic or got her family into hospital?"

Her tone is a bit mocking and I feel myself getting a little bit angry.

"Or I just love her and made her believe I don't", I furrow my eyebrows.

"Oh", Lucy bites her lip. "I think I really know nothing about your relationship and I should better stop assuming stuff.. Sorry."

"No, I'm sorry", I reply. "No, really, I'm sorry", Lucy tells me. "I'm sorry", I say once again and she starts laughing. "Enough."

I nod in agreement and she looks down at her feet. "Anyway, I hope.. I hope she'll forgive you. Good luck." She gives me a small smile, which I forcefully return.

I wish everyone would stop saying that we'll get back together. I wish everyone would say they hope we'll get back together. I wish everyone would just stop talking about us.

It hurts a lot, hearing about her. Even though she's always on my mind, it doesn't nearly hurt as much as hearing someone else talk about her.

"Well, good bye", she says and I nod. "Bye."

She walks past me and I sigh. She forgave me. Why can't Ariana forgive me? Oh right, because I made a much bigger mistake there.

I just want her back.


Thanks for reading, even though it was pretty boring lol

Soo in the last chapter I asked if some of you guys would wanna read another story of mine and some of you actually would.. Shocker

To give away a little bit more information, it's gonna be a Calum fanfic! *waits for all Calum girls to do a backflip and applaud me*

It won't be anything like this story but I hope you'll like it anyway :)

The title is *drum rolls*

"Almost Is Never Enough"

That's all information you're getting from me ;)

The first chapter will be up as soon as this book is over (we've got 15 more chapters to go by the way)

Alright, vote and comment if you liked it :)

Bye xxx

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