Chapter 4

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Songs for this chapter

Chocolate - The 1975

Problem - Ariana Grande ft. Iggy Azalea

Don't Stop - 5 Seconds Of Summer


"Is this some kind of sick joke?", I say as I slam my lunch on the table.

The red-head looks at me like I've just grown a second head and asks, "What are you even talking about?" "Ariana." She gulps. "What's with her?", she asks worried. "Are you all making fun of me?", I decide to not answer her question.

I don't know why but somehow I suddenly got paranoid and started to doubt the story about Ariana's true. They're probably all trying to confuse me.

And I thought I already found friends..

"No why?", red-head seems confused. "You don't make fun of things like that", her boyfriend says. At least I think he's her boyfriend, they made out in front of everyone in the hallway earlier after all.

"I know that, but do you?", I challenge. "Woah, what's going on?", Calum asks as he joins us on the table. "You guys lied to me, didn't you?", I say. "About what?"

Okay, I clearly confuse everyone, I feel pathetic.

"Ariana didn't want to sit somewhere else and she even smiled at me. You're making fun of me, right? You guys and Ariana want to confuse me because I'm new", I tell him. "She smiled?!"

I really am paranoid and pathetic, of course they didn't lie, their looks right now alone tell me they didn't.

"Tell me everything! What happened?", red-head whispers. "Well when I walked into the room today, Ariana wasn't there so I sat down all alone and Barbie was like oh I can sit next to you and that's exactly what she did and then Ariana came into the room and walked over to us but when she saw Barbie she went over to another table so I told Barbie- stop laughing I can't remember her god damn name. Anyway, I told her she can't sit next to me so we ended up arguing and Ms. Wood asked what's going on so I told her that Barbie can't sit next to me because Ariana does and then Ariana came back over and when the lesson was over I talked to her and of course she didn't reply but she smiled. And now I'm confused because she didn't seem like you described her..", I tell them and take a deep breath.

Wow I never talked that fast and much at once before.

"You're the one making fun of us, aren't you?", red-head's boyfriend asks. "What the hell, of course I'm not!", I tell him.

Suddenly red-head grabs my arm. "Swear to god she smiled!", she demands. "I swear to god", I answer.

"Holy shit", a guy with ginger hair whispers. "How did you do that?", Calum asks, obviously shocked. "I don't know, first I said I'm clumsy and then she smiled again when I told her I'm glad she sits next to me", I reply.

I'm starting to feel like Jesus or someone, since I'm apparently making the impossible possible.

"Make her talk! Hang out with her, do nice things for her, just do something to make her talk!", red-head begs. I open my mouth to tell her she's not the first to ask me but she quickly adds, "I'll pay you!"

Wait what? No no no.

"You think I'm taking money to hang out with her?", I ask completely irritated. "C'mon please you-", red-head continues but I cut her off, "Defintley not. Some guy already asked me to do that and I said I'll try because that's what I'll do. But I don't know why you all think I can do that, that's just weird to be honest." "I know it is, but there seems to be something about you that makes her comfortable", Calum says.

I sigh. "I thought I could have a normal life here but guess not. Australia's so much more carefree." They all slightly laugh, at least I lightened the mood a bit.

"How do I get like.. close to her though?", I ask. The only time I see her is in English class, I can't expect her to talk to me just because I sit next to her.

"Tell her you need help with your homework", red-head suggests. "Yes, because she's gonna tell him how it works", her boyfriend rolls his eyes.

After I've known him for a few minutes now, I can say I definitely don't like him.

Calum shoots him a glare, then he says, "Just keep talking to her.. I don't know, no one succeeded so far so.."

I stand up, "This is all just weird. You make it sound like a game!" "Maybe because it kinda is like a game! You play, she talks and you win. Everyone will love you for that and we all know that's exactly what you want. Don't tell me you're not one of those guys who're just looking for attention. We all know you are", red-head's boyfriend spits.

Before I know what I'm doing I grab the collar of his shirt and pull him closer to me. "You know nothing about me", I say.

At that moment Calum steps between us, "I think that's enough", he says.

"I'm out"

It's getting way too weird for me. I quickly walk outside of the cafeteria all eyes on me.

Nice, my second day and I already caused a scene. I really don't wanna go to my next class now.

A few minutes later I find myself on the sportsfield. I seem to be alone I can't see- what's that?

I swear to god if it's that asshole or any other of Calum's friends I'll probably burn them alive right here.

Just when I'm about to snap at the person who's watching me I notice who it is.



Thanks for reading :)

Hope you liked it :)

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