Chapter 5

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Songs for this chapter

Happily - One Direction

Give Me Love - Ed Sheeran


"Ariana?", I ask, just to make sure I'm not completely crazy.

She quickly takes a step back. "No, wait, don't leave! Come over here!", I yell. She hesitates, then she slowly takes a few steps in my direction.

"I won't bite", I assure her and laugh. She's pretty far away but I swear she's smiling again.

When she's finally standing next to me I ask, "Where you in there? Did you see what happened?" She shakes her head in confusion. I laugh. "Good it was quite weird."

She sits down, resting her palms on the green grass and looking at me as if she expects me to tell her the whole story. "If you think I'll tell you, forget it", I smirk. She grins and punches my leg, then she pats on the ground next to her.

I sigh and sit down with her. "That one guy's an asshole.. I don't know his name but anyway, he told me I'm just looking for attention or something like that", I tell her. She furrows her eyebrows and I continue, "Then I nearly started a fight but Calum stopped me.. but it caused quite a big scene, in the middle of the cafeteria. It's my second day here, what's wrong with me?!" She shrugs and grins.

"Will you ever talk to me?", I ask and her smile faints.

Great job once again, Luke, claps for you.

"Sorry, I didn't..", I try to say but she presses her palm against my mouth and shrugs. "So that means you might talk to me?", I ask. She nods. Seriously? "What do I have to do?", I ask excitedly. She shrugs once again and lies back.

She always looks so beautiful, even though she doesn't even try. The past two days she hasn't been wearing anything else than skinny jeans, plain shirts and white Toms. Her hair is tied back and she hasn't worn makeup, nail polish necklaces or earrings, even though she has holes in her ears, so far. She looks so simple, but so perfect. The only accessories she's wearing are plenty of wristbands which cover her wrists completely.


"Give me your hand", I demand. She sits up and looks at me confused but doesn't move her hands.

"I need to see your wrists!", I say. Her eyes widen and she shakes her head, trying to hide her hands. I grab her left arm and she squeals quietly.

I hope I didn't hurt her but if she doesn't listen I need to do it myself.

She tries to pull away but I'm stronger. Her deep blue eyes look into mine, there's fear behind them.

I softly pull some of the wristbands off her arm and gasp. I expected to see a few scars but this is far away from "a few". I'm pretty sure they're not old, dry blood's covering her pale skin.

"Why?", I whisper and she looks away.

Stupid question, Luke. You know her story.

I softly touch her arm but she jerks away. "Sorry", I mumble while she lies back down. I sigh, then I do the same.

"I wish you'd just talk to me.. I'm not used to talk that much, I'm quite awkward to be honest", I say after a while. I turn my head to face her and see a small smile on her lips while she nods in agreement. "Hey!", I laugh and punch her shoulder.

At that moment I hear loud noises coming from the other side of the field. We both sit up and see some kids in sports clothes running in our direction. I notice red-head and Max from my English class.


Definitely not who I want to see right now, time to leave.

I moan and stand up, then I help Ariana, who's trying to quickly cover her wrists again.

"We should also go back to our classes", I sigh. I wait for Ariana to nod and follow me but she does the exact opposite. She shakes her head, then she grabs my hand and runs away.

I struggle to follow her, damn she's fast. We run past the school and end up at a small river next to a few trees, not far away from the school.

"This doesn't even belong to the school anymore does it?", I ask while trying to catch my breath. Who would have thought she's so fast? Ariana shakes her head and sits down smiling.

She takes off her shoes and puts her feet into the water while leaning back and looking into the sun. "Do you come here often?", I ask. She nods and pulls me down next to her.

I really want her to talk to me, I just don't know how. "Do you want to come over after school one day?", I ask. Ariana looks at me surprised, then she looks at her feet, I guess she's thinking.

After some time she turns her head back to me and nods slowly. "Oh really?", I ask excited. She nods again, then she stands up and puts her shoes back on.

She points over to the school, I guess that's where she's going.

"Wait, are you leaving already?", I ask and she nods.

Before I know what's going on she's gone, leaving me all alone once again.


Sorry, this has been quite short, hope you enjoyed it anyway :)

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