Chapter 73

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Songs for this chapter

All I Need - Austin Mahone

Medicine - The 1975


"Oh, isn't that cute? A happy end", the man mocks us.

She still loves me? She still loves me!

"Now that we've discussed this, let's go." He pulls Ariana with him and I scream after them.

I need to do anything! Fuck, Luke think about something!

"Wait", Ariana suddenly says, they still must be near me. "Let him go first."

"So he can call the cops?", he laughs. "He didn't have a clue about anything! I never told him! Please, just let him go!"

The man looks into the room, then back at Ariana. "He obviously did know something", he tells her.

Ariana rushes past him into the room, as pale as ever and looks at me pleading.

"Luke, tell him that you don't know anything about him", she says.

"I'd be lying", I reply and her eyes widen.

"I know that he's one of those two fucking assholes, the one who didn't get caught. The one who's been haunting you ever since, right? That's who he is", I spit.

"I didn't tell him", Ariana quickly says. "He's just guessing!"

"Of course", the man laughs. "Guessing."

"Luke, I never told you about him", Ariana's eyes fill with tears. "Tell him that!"

"I can't let him go anyway", the creep says. "He knows too much. I don't know what I'll do with him but I can't let him go. He'll call the cops."

"He won't. Even if he does, I'll tell them that he's lying!", Ariana panics. "Just let him go. Please!"

"He's right, I know too much", I say. I can't leave her alone.

"Luke..", she sobs. "Stop. Please. I never told you about him!"

"You did", I sigh. I didn't wanna tell her that but maybe if I keep talking he won't do anything until we get help.

"That's not true!", she cries and looks at the man. "He doesn't know anything, he's lying! You can let him go!"

"You told me that one night", I whisper and her jaw drops. She even forgets to cry, all she does is stare at me with wide eyes.

"No..", she mumbles after a few seconds. "No. I didn't. I wouldn't do that.. I.. I did everything to protect you.. I'm not that stupid.."

"Ariana, you told me about him", I say again and directly look into her eyes. "He can't let me go. I know everything."

"I knew it", he says through gritted teeth. "Everything was fine until you came along."

"Nothing was fine", I spit. "You basically ruined her life!"

"I told you to not tell anyone!", the creep suddenly shouts at Ariana, ignoring my words. "If you don't keep your promises I'm not gonna keep mine!"

He walks over to the bed but Ariana is quicker and grabs the gun.

"Stay over there", she warns. "I'm not gonna let you hurt him."

"You know I will win this", he smirks as he moves closer. "I said stay over there!", she shouts, pointing at him with the gun. She's shaking and looks like she's about to collapse.

"What are you doing?", I whisper. She can't just shoot him.. She wouldn't do that.

"Do you even know how to use this?", he laughs and takes another step closer. "I do", she says.

"If you take one step closer, I won't hesitate. Just like you. You didn't hesitate either, right?"

"Stop living in the past", the guy says. "It's been over a year. Get the fuck over it."

"You could've killed him!", she yells at him, tears streaming down her face. She probably can't even see properly anymore, her vision must be really blurry.

The man takes the opportunity and takes two big steps closer. Before I know what's happening I feel his strong grip around my neck.

What is he gonna do? I feel myself having trouble breathing as he laughs. "And what now?"

Ariana has wiped away her tears and looks at him in pure shock. "Stop!", she shouts, her eyes wide.

He's gonna kill me. I know it.

"You give me the gun and I won't hurt him", the creep says and I try to shake my head which seems to make everything worse.

"Don't", I chock out. She needs to shoot him. I know now that there's no other possibility.

"You sure?", he asks me laughing and hardens his grip. I start to feel dizzy and see small lights exploring in front of my eyes.

"Here!", Ariana yells in panic. She can't do that! I try to tell her that she needs to keep it but no sound comes out of my mouth.

How long will it take until I'm dead? I won't get out of here alive, I know that. I just hope she does.

"Good girl." I suddenly can breathe again as he lets go of me. She gave it to him. Fuck, no!

I try to see what's going on but I'm too dizzy. I'm gonna pass out but I can't! I need to help Ariana!

I feel two cold small hands on my face and see Ariana's blurry silhouette in front of me.

"I need a fucking beer", I hear the man's voice, it sounds like he's far away but I'm sure he's still in the room.

"Come with me, I need to tie you against the chair again before you do something stupid."

I blink a few times and see him dragging her with him. I need to stay awake. I can't pass out now.

I hear dull voices before it suddenly all goes quiet. What happened? I try to hear something but there's nothing. Then everything around me goes black.


Thanks for reading!

Hope you enjoyed this, I didn't haha

Anyway, vote and comment!

Bye :) xxx

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