Seven: Fighting Words

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"He knew how angry I could get which is why he was trying to get me to calm down, but my heart was beating fast and the tears started to come out of my eyes. That's what I did when I was fighting someone, or about to, I got angry and started crying. I couldn't help it. "

Treasure Pierce

    I was sweaty, and hungry. Not a good combination. I was ready to go eat. I turned my head to see if Rocky was back in the club but he wasn't which made me look around the club. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and sighed, realizing why he hadn't been in the club.

     Baby: Come outside. We about to head out for food.

I put my phone back in my clutch before turning over to Savannah who was dancing in her seat at the bar. The club was honestly popping and Rhianna's "Wild Thoughts" was bumping in the club. "You ready to go? There outside waiting."

She sipped her drink before nodding her head. "Let's go." I knew she was buzzed which made me laugh because of all my days of knowing Savannah she was never the drinking type. She always sat at the bar in the club ordering sprites, but I guess being around Chance made her want to drink. I laughed. "Mmhm. Yeah. You need help walking?"

She rolled her eyes, smiling. "No I do not. I'm fine. I'm not sloppy drunk, but I am a little tipsy and I need food. Can you grab my phone and call Masicka?"

    "Yeah pass it to me," I spoke. She nodded her head passing my her phone before I grabbed my clutch and we headed out of the club. While we were walking, I was dialing Masicka's number but she hadn't answered. I went to Savannah's text messages to see that she had already texted and said that she had left with someone. I shook my head. Really? "What did she say?"

  I gave her back her phone as we walked up to Chance and Rocky, and everyone else. "She left already. I guess with the guy she was dancing with. I don't know."

     "Oh, okay. Thank you for calling her," she spoke bending down to take off her heels and I couldn't blame her. My feet were killing me and I was tired already, and it was only one thirty. I looked at Rocky as he stood by the car and he flicked my lip causing me to pout. "What's wrong with you crybaby?" He asked me as I put my head on his shoulder with my hands around his waist. "Shut up. I'm sleepy and I'm hungry."

   He didn't say anything but just laughed at me before kissing my forehead. "We're about to go to IHOP now. Sav you riding with us?"

          She shook her head, standing awkwardly and I knew why. It was completely understandable due to Chance staring at her ass while she looked the other way and because she hadn't been around us in a year and a couple of months. It was normal seeing as the fact that shit was different between each of us and we had all changed.

"Sav, are we still going to the club this weekend?" I asked, linking my arm with hers. She looked over at me and I saw her shrug her shoulders before groaning. "Who's all going? You know I don—"

  I rolled my eyes. Here she go. "I know Sav. Nobody that you don't like is going. It's a party who gives a fuck who is or isn't going. It's just me and you, having fun. Okay?" I spoke. She looked over at me and smiled, rolling her eyes. We were walking down the hallway on our way out of the double doors. "What would my life be like without you?"

  I smiled with a small laugh," Boring."

"I can't leave my car here. I'll just drive."

"Alright," he spoke making me scrunch up my face as Chance jumped into his truck and I looked over at Rocky who was getting ready to get in his car. "I'm riding with Sav. She can't drive herself since she's been drinking. Okay?"

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