Seventeen: You "Wanting Attention" or Having Attention

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"It was something that had shit to do with me but I held my tongue because I wasn't going to kiss anybody's ass."
Treasure Pierce

I watched as Savannah talked to her uncle and Rocky was talking too me but I wasn't listening. Before there ever was me and her brother, there was me and Savannah and I didn't want our friendship to be cut over something so simple. It was something that had shit to do with me but I held my tongue because I wasn't going to kiss anybody's ass. Rocky turned my chin toward him and tilted it to were I was looking him in is eyes.

"What's up with you?"

"Uh, Nothing. I was just thinking. What were you saying?"

"I was asking you if you were ready to eat? Mama got the food out on the table." He stood up and I grabbed his hand as we walked into the dining room were the dining room table was filled with everything that you could eat at a barbecue. She had all the barbecue meat which was legs, porckcops, paddies, and sausage, even shiskabobs. And the sides were the classic baked macaroni, French fries, jambalaya, broccoli rice and cheese casserole, corn on the cob, and baked beans with sausage. We all usually was lined up in the kitchen to get our plates and then ate outside but today was completely different because everything was already lined up and we could fix our own plates.

"What you want babe?" I asked him. He gave me a look and I laughed because I should've knew his fat ass was going to want everything on his plate. I walked off fixing both of our plates while Masicka stood next to me talking to someone on the phone. "So you're not coming.... great," I heard her belt out. I could tell that something was bothering her but I didn't even speak about it as I finished fixing me and baes plate and sat down at the big ass dining table to eat. He kissed my cheek, thanking me. I smiled, "Welcome, Rocky."

  Everybody was now sitting at the table. Their mother wasn't sitting at the head of the table and Savannah was sitting next to Masicka along with a bunch of aunties and cousins because their mother had a bunch of relatives. They had a huge family. I started to eat a piece of my chicken when Rocky's mother came and finally sat. "So nobody was going to wait for me? Or say grace at least."

   "Ain't nobody got time to be waiting on you, Sabrina, who you think you are?" Their aunt, Rhonnita spoke up. She was their mothers sister and she was funny as hell. I loved Rhonnita but her and her sister was always arguing about something. "Whatever, nitta. How's the food my baby boy?"

I turned and looked at Rocky who was eating his food fast as fuck and I turned and laughed as so did everyone else. "It's good ma. You already know that."

"Well I'm glad you like it Baby." She started eating a food with a smile on her face and I rolled my eyes. Everybody was quiet, eating their food and boy was I glad.

  "How have you been Sav? It's been what, since graduation since I saw you? What you've been up too baby?" Uncle Rodney spoke up and asked. Everybody's attention turned to Savannah as she looked up and smiled.

Her makeup looked really pretty with her pink lipgloss and her low ponytail with its Baby hairs.

"It's disrespectful and my mother knows it, my brother knows, and I know my family does."
Savannah Emerson

I looked up at my uncle and smiled. I loved my uncle Rodney, he was one of my favorites out of the two uncles that I had, adding along my uncle on my daddy's side. My mother had three sisters and two brothers, and my dad just had one brother and a twin sister. So our family affairs were usually considered a live affair. "I've been good uncle. I was just staying with my dad after high school."

"Oh and what about college? I haven't heard nothing."

  I bit down on the macaroni on my fork, chewing it and so on before continuing to speak. "Um, yeah. I was in school back in New Orleans, but since I just moved back home. I want start school back up until the next year."

"I'm doing nursing."

"That's good I'm proud of you. Your mother didn't say anything so I never knew. You kno—"

"Rodney," my mother called giving him a look but avoiding eye contact with me as I rolled my eyes and just looked down at my plate and continued to eat. "So Savannah How wa—"

"Chancellor is that you, boy?" I heard the screen door of the patio peel back while everyone looked over at the door as well. There was Chance, coming in with some girl. I wasn't going to lie. She was pretty, but I couldn't hide the fact that I was slowly becoming pissed at the fact that he brought a chick to my mothers house, but I held my tongue. Masicka looked at me, and I looked away immediately hearing my phone buzz.

Masicka: Who is this girl?

Masicka knew everything that had happened between Chance and I so I knew she was going to text me. I put my phone down not responding as my mother hugged Chance. He sat down right across from me as the girl sat next to him. "So Who is your friend Chance?" My messy cousin Larissa asked.

     "Oh, yeah, this is my friend, Monica. Monica, my family." She smiled, waving at everyone before picking her phone up and typing away. I rolled my eyes, and couldn't help it when I shook my head and lightly laughed. Everyone turned towards me including my mother. "What's so funny Savannah?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "Nothing."

"Mm. Right." She responded. I held my tongue. "So Chan—"

I stood up, because I couldn't do this fake shit any longer and threw my plate in the trash before picking up my purse and putting it over my shoulder and walking casually out of my moms house. I felt someone walking behind me but I didn't care as I continued to walk. "Where are you going, Savannah?"

I rolled my eyes, hearing his voice. "I'm going home."

  "Why? I talked to you yes—"

"And you act like that makes what you are doing okay? It doesn't when everybody knows we had a baby. It's disrespectful and my mother knows it, my brother knows, and I know my family does. It's embarrassing that my baby daddy would bring some chick to his baby mommas family house and think that's okay, right? Oh right that's what you though."

"Damn right that's what I thought. I don't read minds. And if you had a problem with me bringing someone you should've said something this walking away and shit wanting attention, I don't do that. You know me, Savannah."

"Yeah, Alright."

"And you still walking away. Alright man."

"What am I suppose to do? I don't think it's okay. I don't want to be around a bunch of people that don't do shit but stare at me. It was a bad idea to begin with and I want to go home. What?" I asked. He gave me a look, biting down on his lip before walking closer to me, only for me to back right on up. He chuckled, and I quickly looked away before looking at him. "Chance."


"Don't do this." I spoke. He was in my face and I was in his he left a peck on my neck before I allowed him to kiss me on my lips as I kissed him back. My arms were completely folding. And I hated myself... I pushed away, backing my ass up before things got too... too between us. He started walking back towards me but I put my hand out in front of his chest. "Don't."

  "I'm coming over later."

       "We'll see if I'm even there." I spoke as he walked off back to go inside my mothers house. "Shit, me and you both know you'll be there."

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