Rainy Days

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Namjoon ran, carrying Jin bridal style in his loving caress. He hurriedly opened the door and closed it behind him. He removed his soaking wet hat and placed on the rack on the wall. Jin was removing his coat and looking wistfully through the windows.

"So much for a walk in the park, huh, Joonie?" He sighed, giggling at how rapidly the weather changed and forced them to go back the dorm. Namjoon laughed alongside Jin, an idea forming in his head. Namjoon removed the rest of his wet clothing and walked past Jin, lightly running his fingers against the back Jin's hand, motioning for Jin to follow him. Namjoon opened the door and laid on the bed just as Jin walked in.

Namjoon turned and patted the bed for Jin to lay next to him. After Jin was comfortable, Namjoon turned the Netflix on and started watching a sad movie which he knew was Jin's favorite type of movie to watch. Jin snuggled up to Namjoons side and laid his head in the crook of his neck. Namjoon listened to the sound of the rain tapping on his window, the sound relaxing him for what he was about to do.

"Jin hyung?" Namjoon turned to the older male and nervously waited for his response.

"I know Joonie. I know how you feel about me, and honestly?" Jin sighed and leaned in to kiss a startled Namjoon. Namjoon roughly kissed back, wanting more, Jin stopped him by placing two hands on his chest and gently pushed him backwards. "Patience Joonie-ah, wait until the other members are gone yeah? Like gone for a day so we can make up for lost time." Jin placed his arms behind Namjoons neck and started leaving little kisses before moving his position so he's facing Namjoon on his lap and laid his head deep in the crook of his neck. They remained like that for a while listening to the rain and the movie which was still playing before Jin felt his stomach growl, his face turning bright red.

"Are you hungry Jinnie?" Namjoon placed several kisses on Jin's tummy which made Jin giggle and blush even harder while he struggled to give an answer. 

"Yes, c-could we please make some food so you could stop kissing my tummy." Jin struggled to answer as he continued laughing.

Namjoon stopped kissing Jin's stomach and looked up at him with concern in his eyes. "Do you not like it when I do that Jinnie?"

"I was just kidding, it tickles and it's adorable, I only said it so we can make food cause I'm starving and am in desperate need of something sweet." Jin said before giving Namjoon a quick peck on the lips and getting up from his lap. They walked into the kitchen and looked for something to make. The rest of Bangtan was away at a restaurant for a couple hours, and wouldn't be back for a while. As Jin went through the cupboards, Namjoon sat on the counter and took a lolllipop from his pocket and popped it in his mouth. Jin found some mix for some brownies and started grabbing all the items needed to make them. As Jin started putting the stuff together , he turned to Namjoon and put some of the liquid mix on the tip of his nose. "Awwwww so cute." Jin said and kissed the tip of his nose, removing the batter. Namjoon jumped down from the counter and removed the lollipop from his mouth, chuckling as he hugged Jin and rocked him side to side, kissing his fluffy hair and rubbing his cheek against Jin's. After they separated, Jin poured the batter in a pan and placed it in the oven and set the timer to 55 minutes. They plop themselves on Namjoons bed and waited for the brownies to be done.

"Joonie-ah I'm soooo bored. What should we do?" Jin asked, looking at Namjoon, who was scrolling through his phone, suddenly opened the camera and took a selfie of them. Jin seemed a little confused by the act, but then understood when Namjoon quickly set the picture as his phone background and then suddenly turned and laid on top of Jin.

"Oof. Joonie, this isn't helping my boredom." Namjoon ignored him and placed several pecks on Jin's plump lips before nuzzling his cheek.

"Let's just lay like this and watch a movie or something , I'm comfortable and all snuggled up." Jin agreed and put on a comedy movie while Namjoon was still laying on top of him and snuggling him. Jin couldn't help but sigh at his cuteness, the way he always looked good and made him smile.

55 minutes later, they went into the kitchen to take out the brownies. Jin cut them up and placed the brownies on a plate and the tray in the sink. Namjoon picked one up and held it up to Jin's mouth. Jin took a big bite and succumbed to the sweetness and goodness of the treats.

"They're so good Joonie. Try it." Namjoon shoved the rest of the brownie into his massive mouth and let out a deep groan.

"Fuck. They're almost as sweet and good as you." Namjoon said, making Jin blushed and winked at him. After eating as much as they could, they made their way back to the bedroom and snuggled up under the covers, Namjoon kissed Jin's neck a couple times and whispered in his ear,"I love you Kim Seokjin." Namjoons husky voice lingered in Jin's ears, making him shiver.

"I love you too Kim Namjoon." Jin snuggled his head up to Namjoons chest and drifted to sleep, as did Namjoon, resting his head on Jin's head, and they fell asleep like that, listening to the rain pour against the window.


So I'm writing oneshots now. Lol. Suggest ideas for me in my inbox and comment and vote and stuff.


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