August 30th, 2017, 7:18 PM

8 3 0

If your kid makes it clear that they don't want to speak to you, leave them the fuck alone.

My dad ambushed me at work. He lives 45 fucking minutes away and he came to my work (because my mom told him I got the job) on the off chance that I would be working that night. Who the fuck does that?? I blocked him on my phone, denied taking calls from him when he tried to reach me through my sister and my mom, and didn't greet him when he came to pick up my sister. I think I make it pretty fucking clear I want nothing to do with him. How fucking delusional do you have to be to show up at someone's place of work after they refuse to talk to you over and over? What is he, some deranged ex? No. Fuck off.

And I couldn't fucking leave because, of course, I'm working, so I had to deal with the awkwardness and try to avoid him by facing cans (thank god I wasn't working the register). I was a bit of an emotional wreck after that because seeing him brought back all that anger, but I had to keep it together because this is my fucking job.

I really hate him.

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