Chapter 2 (Continued)

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"I fell asleep. I am sorry," he muttered as soon as she opened her eyes and looked over to where he was standing by the window looking out. He was already dressed to leave and she felt her spirits plummeting. She had spent most of the night agonizing over what she had done wrong and how she could fix it. "I have to go in. There was a pile up on the freeway and they need me to come in."

She looked at her phone to see if there had been any calls for her and realized that there weren't any. "I asked them not to call you in. You need to get home and unpack and sort the room the way you want it." he came over tot he bed and sat on the side of it. "You are so beautiful," his voice was wistful as he leaned forward and kissed her lightly on the cheek. "I will see you later."

"Peter wait!" she scrambled off the bed and she could see the impatience in his shoulders. "When will you be home?"
"You know better than to ask me that question Camille. Don't wait up for me." with that he was gone.

She wept. She could not help it as she threw herself back on the matrimonial bed that was so pristine and clean and wept. It was supposed to be stained with her lost virginity. Her thoughts turned to Micheal and she found herself reaching for her phone to call him but pulled away her hand hastily. She was a married woman now and was no longer a single woman who would call her best friend and confide in him and besides she felt ashamed. It had to be her! She had seen Peter with so many beautiful women so it had to be her. With a tearful sigh she got up determined to make the best of everything!


The carnage was awful but just what he needed! he had seen the hurt look on her face and could not wait to get out of there. He had made a stop over at Jerome's and had spent half an hour with him hating himself at the triumphant look on his lover's face.

"You did not make love to her," he had gloated as Peter hastily got dressed. 

"Leave it alone!" he had answered softly. "I have to go."
"I will be here later. Waiting."
"I won't be."

Now as he scrubbed for surgery he felt as if he was being torn in two. The good thing was that he had always used work to get away from everything.

"Doctor Grayson trauma two is ready for you." the middle aged nurse told him quietly.


"Such a pity you had to leave your wife to come out."
"It's my job," he said a little sharply as he turned away.

He strode towards the room closing his mind off from what would be waiting for him at home.

"A broken tibia, punctured lungs and shattered knee caps. I doubt she will make it." the young intern said solemnly as he looked at his notes. 

"We will see."


The maid hovered as she waited for instructions. The mistress had told her to wait on the new mistress and supply whatever she needed.

"I am fine Grace. I just need to lie down for a little bit after I am done here." Camille told the girl quietly. Truth was she wanted to be alone with her thoughts and try to gather her composure. The suite was elegant with three bedrooms, two baths a kitchenette and a sitting room. She would have been thrilled in ordinary circumstances at the elegant cream and lilac suite but she was not in a frame of mind to admire the architecture. She was a newly wed whose husband had not even touched her.

"I will bring you up some lunch."

"Thank you." she looked a the girl. "Mr. and Mrs. Grayson gone for the day?"
"Yes. They both have their practices and will not return until night."
"Thank you." she said again.

"You are welcome Mrs. Grayson," she hesitated and looked at Camille.

"You may call me Camille," she said understanding the dilemma.

"Okay Miss Camille," she said with a pleased smile before she went away closing the doors behind her.

Diane had called her a few minutes ago and demanded to know how things went and she had lied to her. "It was fantastic!"
"Really?" the girl had sounded doubtful.

"Yes it was."
So where is the fantastic husband now?"
"He had to rush in to the hospital. Pile up on the freeway."

"I saw it on the news. Really dreadful. There were no more doctors around? he had to leave you the second day after you said 'I do'?"

"I am a trauma nurse Diane I understand things like this." she said in a bolstering tone.

"Of course. The peril of being married to a doctor. Okay honey see you later."

She had cried some more after her friend had hung up wishing she could have confided in her.


Peter sat in the doctor's lounge as he grabbed a club sandwich realizing that he had not eaten the entire day and it was now almost five p.m. His stomach felt like cramping up and he sipped the black coffee to try and soothe it. Wouldn't it be ironic if he died of a stomach ailment! he thought sardonically as he bit into the sandwich.

"Fancy seeing you here!" Doctor Armstrong said as he took the seat opposite to him.

"Why is that?"

"I was just at your wedding yesterday man you should not be here."

"Duty calls," he said blithely wishing the middle aged orthopedic surgeon would go away.

"You are supposed to be on your honeymoon making love to that lovely wife of yours."

"She understands that as a doctor I am on call always as should you." he said tightly, his appetite disappearing.

"Calm down man. I was just making a joke."

"It was in very poor taste." Peter said stiffly.

"For a man who just got hitched you are behaving as if you have been married at least a year," he said with a bracing laugh. "leave it to us old timers who have been in this thing forever. Enjoy the blush of it." with that he got up and left. 

Peter stared after him and dumped his half eaten sandwich in the bin, his appetite vanishing!

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