Chapter 17

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Peter came and sat next to her in the waiting room. Michael's parents had gone home to take a much needed nap and to see to Mark. "He will be out of it for a couple of days at the most." he took her hand in his and held on to it. "He is going to be okay."
"Do you think that our love is doomed? Michael and I." she asked him softly as she moved her hand in his restlessly. She was tired and her faith was getting dim even though she had felt revived after her talk in the chapel with the elderly woman.

"I think our love was doomed," Peter told her honestly. He lifted her hand and kissed it softly. "I think what you have with Michael is the real deal."
"Thanks. For everything." she sighed softly. "I keep thinking about all the bad things that has happened and keep wondering why. I went into the chapel and I prayed earnestly for God to save him and there was this lady who told me he was going to make it."
"Do you really believe in that stuff?" he asked her a little wryly.

"You don't?"

"I believe in things I can put my hands on. I believe in the science of surgery and saving lives by what we do as doctors. I believe in hard work and getting results from them. I do not believe in a God whom I cannot see and who allows bad things to happen to people."

"He does not cause those bad things Peter. We have done so many bad things and ruined the perfect world he created," she pulled her hand away from his. "Who am I to talk about religion when I don't even know what I am talking about. All I know is that he provided a way for you and the others to save Michael and I am thankful for that."

"You may go and sit with him now." he got to his feet and hugged her. "Take care."

She sat with him. He had so many bandages on him that her heart quaked as she looked at him. His handsome face was bruised and the doctors had said it was from the airbag. She took his hand and held it against her cheek. "Hey darling. This is your wife speaking in case you did not recognize my voice. We have really been through a lot haven't we? But I guess it is true what they say. The first year is always the most trying and we are proving that's true. In spite of all that we have gone through I would never exchange spending one moment with you my darling. I love you and I love our son even though I am scared about the future! But we cannot predict what will happen can we? And that is why I want to spend every single day of my life showing you and our son how much I love and appreciate you! I want to tell you how much I love you Michael Ramsey and I refuse to spend the time we have railing at fate or whatever about what has happened to us. " she put his hand back on the bed and laid her head down onto it. "My love."


He woke up the second day groggy and out of it for a few minutes before he recognized her. It was late afternoon and his parents had gone home with their grandson. She was curled up on the sofa trying to read a book when she heard him groan.

"Michael?" she whispered as she sprang to her feet and went to the bed. His blue eyes opened slowly and he focused on her. He blinked at her and frowned a little bit as if trying to remember who she was. Then his face broke out into a slight smile. "Camille." he said hoarsely.

"You are awake!' she was careful not to jostle him. "Oh Michael."

"Hey." he winced a little as he tried to move.

"Stay still. I have to call the doctor."

"Not yet." he lifted his hand and took hers pulling her down onto the bed. "I feel like every bone in my body has been pulverized."

"Almost." she bent and kissed him on the lips and encountered his tongue. "Michael," she moaned as she moved her head. "You are barely recovering."

"My pubic area is intact," he told her succinctly as his eyes went there.

"Michael please behave." she rebuked him. "You had me running scared."

"I am sorry. We seem to like doing that to each other." he said wryly. he lifted his head and groaned at the pain.

"I am calling the doctor." she said firmly.


"Stop fussing both of you!" Michael said impatiently as the women plumped up his pillows and made sure he was okay. he had been out of the hospital for the three hours now. Adele had said that they should stay at their house until he was healed enough to go home and they had agreed so they had moved here temporarily.

"We just want to help." Adele leaned over and kissed his hair roughened cheek. "I am just so thankful that you are here for us to fuss over Michael Ramsey."

"I know Mother." he looked up at her fondly.

"Good. Now I am going to make sure my grandson is sleeping." she looked at them both and then left the room, closing the door behind her.

"Hey," he gestured to her to come on the bed next to him. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Tell you what?"

"About Peter basically saving my life?"

"I figured I would tell you when you are well enough to deal with it." she told him softly as she laid on the pillows and rest her head in her hand. "So how are you dealing with it?"

His blue eyes stared into hers. "The guy save my life so I guess I owe him. He seems to keep doing that doesn't he?"

"I guess. I called him Michael."
"I figured as much. He is in love with you baby."
"No he is-"

"Relax I am not insecure anymore. i feel sorry for him. And I am pretty selfish and gloating that he did not discover that while he was married to you."

"It's just that he is confused-"

"Maybe he is and you don't have to make excuses for him. I guess I will have to call and tell him thanks."

"he was just doing his job."

"Was he?" Michael asked looking at her with raised brows. "He flew all the way to Florida to operate on a man he does not even like. He did not do it for me he did it for you."

"Michael that sounds weird."

"Love is weird. Come here woman." he growled.

"Michael you are recovering-"
"I know but I need your lips on mine. Humor me."

She did and carefully lowering herself to him she placed her lips over his. It was supposed to be light and gentle but Michael was not having any of that! His tongue entered her mouth and his hand went to the back of her head to clasp her as he deepened the kiss. He knew he could not go all the way, he was not physically able to although he was as hard as a rock but he was certainly going to improvise! Camille trembled and tried to break the kiss but he held her fast, his mouth moving over hers urgently.

She found the willpower to pull away, her breathing ragged as she stared down into his dark blue eyes. "Michael," her hands clenched into fists on his chest. "We can't-"

"We can do something." he rasped. "Lock the door."


"Please," he said hoarsely as he reached down and released his erection. "Just sit on it." he said between his teeth.

She got off the bed and did as he said. She came over and pulled the dress over her head. "Now baby," he said urgently.

She took off her underwear and came over him, sinking down on his erection with a moan. She avoided his broken leg and placed her hands flat on the bed. "You are going to have to do most of the work," he said hoarsely as he moved slightly. "My ribs are still sore."

"Michael are you sure?"

"I would rather suffer the consequences than suffer from not being with you." he told her bluntly.

"Okay baby. I am here to please." she whispered as moved over him.

Michael felt the pain from his various bruises but did not care as she took him the very pinnacle of ecstasy that had him calling out her name!

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