Chapter 11

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"Mr. Michael! How nice to see you!" the housekeeper Margaret said with a beaming smile as she opened the door to let him in. 

"How are you Margaret?" 

"I am well sir. Your parents never said you were coming over." her expression was uncertain. "They have gone out to breakfast."

"That's fine." he took off his jacket and hung it on the peg by the door. "What do you have in the kitchen?"

"I was preparing some oatmeal for our guest."

"What guest?"

"Miss Camille."

Michael felt his heart lurched. "Where is she?"

"She is in the lavender suite. I think she is still-"

But he did not wait for her to finish. he could not! He almost raced upstairs only slowing his steps when he reached the suite. He took a deep breath and pushed the door open. She was not in the sitting room and when he went into the bedroom he saw her standing by the window. He stood there looking at her. She had showered and changed into faded denims and a purple sweater, with her hair in a ponytail and she looked pensive. She must have felt his presence because she turned to wards him. "Michael," she murmured. 
He came towards her slowly.

"I am sorry but your parents-"

"Shh," he said softly. He closed the gap between them and pulled her into his arms with stunning force! "You are here. Oh God you are here," his hands framed her face and his blue eyes roved over her face hungrily. "I have been such a damned fool, Camille." he did not wait for her to answer but took her lips with his. Camille sobbed and clung to him, her body trembling with the force of the emotion between them! His lips bruised hers and she welcomed it, welcomed his body against hers. she had missed him so much, too much that she had suffered for it. he lifted her into his arms and took her to bed. He put her down and pulled off her sweater, his hands cupping her lace encased breasts, his touch gentle. "Michael we need to talk-" she fought against the wave of desire fogging up her mind and heating up her body.

"Not yet." he said roughly. "We have all the time in the world for that." he unhooked her bra. "I am not letting you go Camille." he warned her.

"I don't want you to." she whispered. she reached for him, touching his cheek. "I missed you."

"You have no idea-" he broke off and pulled his sweater over his head and got rid of his jeans. he helped her take of hers and came over her. he ran his hands over her body as if he was finding out if she was really here in his parents house. He bent and took her lips with his slowly, his tongue seeking hers, his hands drawing her closer to him, his fingers touching and holding her. Camille buried her fingers into his thick dark hair and held on fiercely as she returned the kiss. he eased away and she moaned softly. "Hush baby.Ii just want to feel your skin." he took off her underwear and his and came over her. she reached for him immediately loathed to let him go even for an instant. He entered her slowly, savoring her tightness against him. he had been her first and the thought sent such a rush through his body that he almost lost it! He was first and by God he was going to be her last! She moved against him and he pushed deeper inside her. He lifted his head and looked down at her, his gaze tender. "My love," he whispered. "My only love."

"Michael," she whispered brokenly. "I don't deserve-"

"Shh," he lowered his head and tasted her lips playing with the full bottom one, nibbling and sending shards of hot molten fire deep down into her belly! His thrusts were leisurely, no matter the fire licking inside him him he was determined to take it slow, to savor her and be with her, his soul touching hers. Camille lifted her legs and wrapped them around his waist. he was her man! she thought in wonder. it had taken a sham of a marriage and brokenness for her to come to that conclusion and she was going to do everything in her power to show him that she needed him! She had spent last night thinking and realizing that she had to shuck pride and go to him on her knees if necessary. 

"Michael," she whispered when he released her lips.

He stopped and looked down at her. "Yes?" his voice was hoarse and his control was slipping away from him.

"I love you." she whispered. "It took so much for me to realize that I love you. I felt the attraction even before I married Peter and I used to torment myself wondering if something was wrong with me. how could I love him and be attracted to you? Oh Michael if only-"

"Don't!" his voice was a little sharp and he bent to rest his head on hers. "Don't go back please." his breath fanned her face and she moved against him. "You love me." he lifted his head. "Camille I want you to be sure. It would kill me if you are not. I want everything."

"I love you and soon I would like to be your wife. I think it would be better if we are married when our baby arrives don't you?" she smiled at him tenderly.

His body stiffened and his blue eyes darkened. "You are pregnant?"

"Maybe about three weeks or so."

"Camille," he was too shook up for words. "You are carrying my baby," he bent his head and kissed her forehead. His body was trembling and he felt choked up and confused with emotions. "Are you happy? Is it too soon?"

"I love that I am carrying your child Michael." she whispered.

"I love you so much." he did not know that there were tears on his cheeks until she wiped them.

"I know and for that I will always be grateful."

"My love." he moved into her again and with gentle abandon she gave into the pressure of him, the passion and desire that took over and flooded them with its force!


"We could get married now," he murmured as he ran his fingers down her back.

"Or we could wait a few weeks and do it properly." she lifted her head and looked at him. "I did the high society wedding and now I just want something simple if you don't mind."

"I just want you," his blue eyes were tender as he looked at her. She was pregnant with his child and she was in love with him. he did not care about anything else right now!

"Your mother must have planned to bring us together." she rested her pointed chin on his chest.

"Usually I would be impatient with her interference but this time I am going to thank her."

"I thought I had lost you," she whispered. "I spent days and nights in my apartment wondering if I had and what I was going to do about it."
"I can be such a stubborn ass," he said with regret. "I was planning how to crawl back to you and tell you sorry."

"You waited so long for me. Why didn't I see you?"
"You are seeing me now." 

"I love you Michael," she said in wonder.

"Say it again." he whispered achingly

"I love you," she whispered.

With a groan he pulled her up and over him and took her lips with his in a fierce kiss!

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