Chapter 7

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"This is nice," Camille said as she walked around the large spread house that looked more like a Bungalow with its high arched roof and split level living room. It was very big with five bedrooms and four and a half baths. It was fairly secluded with iron fencing around the perimeters. She had finally agreed to come to Florida with him. He had persuaded her that she certainly needed a change of environment. She had not heard from Peter yet but she  suspected he had to speak to his parents before getting back to her. That was fine by her. "Who lives here when you are away?" she asked as she turned to face him. The furniture were made of wicker and the decor was light and airy. 

"I have a housekeeper who comes in to tidy up and see that everything is okay." he put their bags down next to the sofa. "What do you want to drink?" he was careful not to touch her because when they had been on the flight together his arm had brushed against hers and she had jerked away. he had felt the anger at that but had tamped it down remembering what she was going through.

"How about I fix us some lunch?" she asked him with a smile. "Do you know what's in the pantry?"

"I have no clue," he felt relieved at her smile. "Why don't we check?"

She found the pantry and fridge packed with a variety of things and she made them a chicken salad and they had fruits along with some lemonade from the bottle. He took the lunch out to the enclosed patio around the back and she sat there admiring the palm trees stirring by the breeze and the flowers in bloom. There were even several fruit trees as well. "It is so quiet here."

"It is." they had finished eating and were relaxing in the lounge chairs. "When I need to get away from the humdrum of work and life I come here to cool out."

"How long are you staying here?"

"As long as you are."
"Michael I don't want you to jeopardize your work fro me-"

"Nothing to jeopardize. I am in management," he told her casually.

"What are you not telling me?"

"Nothing," he changed the subject quickly. "I told my parents that we are here and they are expecting us tomorrow for lunch.

She bit her lip and looked away from him. "What have you told them about me?"

"You are a friend," he lied. he had told them about her and had made them promised not to say anything. "My parents are cool, don't worry about it."

"Thank you." she said softly.

"You are welcome."


"I don't get to see you anymore," Jerome whined as Peter answered the phone.

"I have already explained why I cannot see you now Jerome," Peter said impatiently. His life was a royal mess and his father had told him to get the money from somewhere else and not from his inheritance. His parents were barely speaking to him! "Camille wants an annulment and she also wants a pay off to keep silent. I am up to my neck in surgeries so pardon me if I am not thinking about you right now." his tone was biting and impatient. he had just come out of a very difficulty surgery where he narrowly missed cutting into the man's spinal chord and he was not in the mood for Jerome's theatrics. He could not see him now while everything was up in the air.

"I need to see you," he insisted.

"Did you hear what I just said?"

"I am sorry for everything that has happened but it is for the best. You never loved her and you were living a lie."

"I have to go," Peter said hanging up on him. He sat there in one of the on call rooms and buried his head in his hands, his body shaking with weariness and stress. If he was not careful he was going to drop from it all!


"I will leave you to get some rest," Michael told her as he got to his feet. he had put her in one of the larger bedrooms with a lime green decor and a large flat screen television facing the bed. They had sat in the living room and watched a movie in its entirety and now it was almost ten p.m.

"Okay." she hesitated and looked at him. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight Camille." he murmured and went to his bedroom.

He sat on the side of his bed and buried his head in his hands. he was not sure it had been such a good idea bringing her here and staying here with her. He wanted her so badly that he found himself shaking from it! Biting off a sigh he went to the bathroom to take a shower and then came out with only a towel wrapped around his waist, his hair still wet and his body still damp. He stopped short as he saw her sitting on the side of his bed. "Camille," his throat was dry as he looked at her. She had changed into a filmy blue nightgown and her thick dark hair falling down around her face.

"I sat in my room and thought about what I had been through and decided that I wanted to know what it feels like."
"What are you saying?" his voice was hoarse and his body tensed as she got to her feet and came towards him.

"To be made love to," she reached for the towel and untied it letting it fall to the floor. His hands gripped hers as she ventured to his pubic area. He was already hardening, Lord help him! "You are not thinking straight-"

"Please," her eyes were pleading as she came closer to him.

"I don't want you to regret-"

"There will be nothing to regret." she broke away from him and his eyes darkened as she slipped the nightgown off her shoulders and let it pool to the floor. Her breasts were generous with dusky nipples and her stomach was flat. His eyes flew to hers. "Camille-"

"I want you to make love to me Michael."

With a groan he lifted her and crushed her to him, his mouth seeking hers in a hungry predatory manner that he could not help. Camille clung to him, her fingers going into the damp fringes of his dark hair as the emotions shivered through her. He walked with her swiftly to the bed and put her down, stepping back to stare at her.

"Don't stop," she whispered.

The words had the force of a hurricane and drove him to kneel before her, his large hands passing down her body in wonder, the tremor evident. "I don't want to hurt you," he told her hoarsely as he cupped her breasts.

"I don't care," she moved a little as his thumbs circled her nipples,

"I do." he bent his head and took a nipple inside his mouth. Camille arched her back and moaned as the electric shock of his mouth on her flesh darted through her! He lifted his head for a little bit and looked at her, his eyes darkened to almost black.

"Camille," he whispered, his body tensed. "Are you sure?"

"Please Michael," she whispered feverishly as she reached for his rigid member. His control broke and with a tortured groan he guided his penis slowly into her tightness. She tensed as he pushed into her and then stopped. His head descended as he captured her lips with his swallowing her cry of pain as he pushed past the barrier. He stayed still, his mouth moving over hers urgently. But then Camille moved against him impatiently wanting to feel the pleasure he had started. He thrust into her slowly at first and then picked up the pace, his fingers gripping her hips. His entire body was on fire! He wanted to prolong it, he wanted to spend the entire night loving her and he wanted to start all over again! He had waited so long, he thought brokenly as he stroked the wet warmth of hers that closed around him like a vice!

It was the first time he was not worried about protection! He did not care what happened and although she was still recovering he was hoping that she would get pregnant with his kid, at least then she would agree to marry him! he tore his mouth from hers and rest his forehead against hers, his breathing shallow. he did not move for a second and then he lifted his head and looked down at her. "I am never going to be able to stay away from you. God help me!" he whispered hoarsely and claiming her lips again he gave in to the demands of his body and his heart and the orgasm shuddering through him!

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